The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 9th September 2023


Psalms– 29 and 30

Old Testament– 1 Kings 20: 33 – 43

New Testament– Mark 5: 35 – 43


Psalms– 31 and 32

Old Testament– 1 Kings 21: 1 – 10

New Testament– Mark 6: 1 – 6

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 25 to 28
1) Salvatioan….reference?
1 Kings 20: 13 – 32
2) What did the prophet say to King Ahab… reference..?
Mark 5: 1 – 34
3) What did JESUS say to the woman who was healed…reference…?

Verses for 9th September 2023


Psalms 29 to 32

Psalms 32
Title- Maschil.

This Hebrew word may be derived from sakal a Hebrew word meaning to be wise or skilful. Since maschil occurs in the Psalm’s title it may indicate that this is a teaching psalm. This particular psalm sets forth the nature of sin and what happens when it is concealed, acknowledged, forsaken, forgiven.

1 Kings 20: 33 – 21: 10

1 Kings 20: 35
The sons of the prophets.

These were students of the prophets who in some sense were disciplined by older and more renowned prophets like Elisha. They stood in close association with the master prophet opposed the worship of Baal, and promoted obedience and faithfulness to the LORD GOD. They were known for prophesying, by the power of the SPIRIT.

Mark 5: 35 – 6: 6

Mark 6: 4
JESUS – A prophet.

JESUS is portrayed in the Gospels as a prophet in keeping with the calling of a prophet in the Old Testament.
HE was a man of the Spirit and the Word. HE was in intimate communion with GOD. HE gave prophetic predictions. HE performed symbolic actions that expressed a zeal for GOD’s honour. HE was a preacher of repentance calling people to turn from sin and the world to GOD.

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CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 9th September 2023


Psalms– 29 and 30

Old Testament– 1 Kings 20: 33 – 43

New Testament– Mark 5: 35 – 43


Psalms– 31 and 32

Old Testament– 1 Kings 21: 1 – 10

New Testament– Mark 6: 1 – 6

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 25 to 28
1) Salvatioan….reference?
1 Kings 20: 13 – 32
2) What did the prophet say to King Ahab… reference..?
Mark 5: 1 – 34
3) What did JESUS say to the woman who was healed…reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 29 to 32

Psalms 32
Title- Maschil.

This Hebrew word may be derived from sakal a Hebrew word meaning to be wise or skilful. Since maschil occurs in the Psalm’s title it may indicate that this is a teaching psalm. This particular psalm sets forth the nature of sin and what happens when it is concealed, acknowledged, forsaken, forgiven.

1 Kings 20: 33 – 21: 10

1 Kings 20: 35
The sons of the prophets.

These were students of the prophets who in some sense were disciplined by older and more renowned prophets like Elisha. They stood in close association with the master prophet opposed the worship of Baal, and promoted obedience and faithfulness to the LORD GOD. They were known for prophesying, by the power of the SPIRIT.

Mark 5: 35 – 6: 6

Mark 6: 4
JESUS – A prophet.

JESUS is portrayed in the Gospels as a prophet in keeping with the calling of a prophet in the Old Testament.
HE was a man of the Spirit and the Word. HE was in intimate communion with GOD. HE gave prophetic predictions. HE performed symbolic actions that expressed a zeal for GOD’s honour. HE was a preacher of repentance calling people to turn from sin and the world to GOD.