The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 31st August 2023


Psalms– 149

Old Testament– 1 Kings 15: 1 – 8

New Testament– Mark 1: 40 – 45


Psalms– 150

Old Testament– 1 Kings 15: 9 – 24

New Testament– Mark 2: 1 – 12

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 149 and 150
1) For the LORD taketh _ in HIS . HE will the with ___.
1 Kings 15: 1 – 24
2) Among the 2 kings of Judah who did which was right in the eyes of the LORD… reference..?
Mark 1: 40 – 2: 12
3) How did the leper approach JESUS…reference…?

Verses for 31st August 2023


Psalms 149 and 150

Psalms 149: 6
High praises………a two edged sword.

This verse addresses the activity of the righteous in two areas, worship and spiritual warfare. Our desire to praise GOD must be accompanied by the desire to oppose aggressively satan’s kingdom and all evil. GOD’s kingdom will never be fully realized until the hostile forces of darkness are destroyed. We must take our stand against the powers of evil by living a righteous life in faith, taking the sword of the SPIRIT i.e. Word of GOD and praying in the SPIRIT. At the end of the age we will, to the praise of GOD participate in HIS judgement upon the unrepentant world of the antichrist.

1 Kings 15: 1 – 24

1 Kings 15: 9
Asa was a good king whose reign was characterised by faithfulness to GOD. However he failed to trust GOD fully in his later years. His reign was significant because he led the people to renounce their ungodly ways and turn away from the wicked practices of the Canaanites. True revival always includes turning away from practices that offend GOD and violate HIS Word.

Mark 1: 40 – 2: 12

Mark 2: 11
Healing the paralyzed Man.

It was never GOD’s intention that people should live with sickness, disease and infirmity. These things are result of the sinfulness of the human race and the activity of satan in the world.

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CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 31st August 2023


Psalms– 149

Old Testament– 1 Kings 15: 1 – 8

New Testament– Mark 1: 40 – 45


Psalms– 150

Old Testament– 1 Kings 15: 9 – 24

New Testament– Mark 2: 1 – 12

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 149 and 150
1) For the LORD taketh _ in HIS . HE will the with ___.
1 Kings 15: 1 – 24
2) Among the 2 kings of Judah who did which was right in the eyes of the LORD… reference..?
Mark 1: 40 – 2: 12
3) How did the leper approach JESUS…reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 149 and 150

Psalms 149: 6
High praises………a two edged sword.

This verse addresses the activity of the righteous in two areas, worship and spiritual warfare. Our desire to praise GOD must be accompanied by the desire to oppose aggressively satan’s kingdom and all evil. GOD’s kingdom will never be fully realized until the hostile forces of darkness are destroyed. We must take our stand against the powers of evil by living a righteous life in faith, taking the sword of the SPIRIT i.e. Word of GOD and praying in the SPIRIT. At the end of the age we will, to the praise of GOD participate in HIS judgement upon the unrepentant world of the antichrist.

1 Kings 15: 1 – 24

1 Kings 15: 9
Asa was a good king whose reign was characterised by faithfulness to GOD. However he failed to trust GOD fully in his later years. His reign was significant because he led the people to renounce their ungodly ways and turn away from the wicked practices of the Canaanites. True revival always includes turning away from practices that offend GOD and violate HIS Word.

Mark 1: 40 – 2: 12

Mark 2: 11
Healing the paralyzed Man.

It was never GOD’s intention that people should live with sickness, disease and infirmity. These things are result of the sinfulness of the human race and the activity of satan in the world.