The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 22nd September 2023


Psalms– 60 and 61

Old Testament– 2 Kings 6: 13 – 23

New Testament– Mark 10: 1 – 12


Psalms– 119: 161 – 176

Old Testament– 2 Kings 6: 24 – 33

New Testament– Mark 10: 13 – 16

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 60; 61 and 119: 161 – 176
1) Prayer for national deliverance…Psalm number?
2 Kings 6: 13 – 33
2) What did the young man see after Elisha prayed…Reference…?
Mark 10: 1 – 16
3) Who cannot enter the kingdom of GOD…reference…?

Verses for 22nd September 2023


Psalms 60; 61 and 119: 161 – 176

Psalms 60: 1 – 5
David owns GOD’s displeasure to be the cause of all the hardships he had undergone. And when GOD is turning HIS hand in our favour, it is good to remember our former troubles. In GOD’s displeasure their troubles began, therefore in HIS favour their prosperity must begin. Those breaches and divisions which the folly and corruption of man make, nothing but the wisdom and grace of GOD can repair, by pouring out a spirit of love and peace, by which only a kingdom is saved from ruin. The anger of GOD against sin, is the only cause of all misery, private or public, that has been, is, or shall be. In all these cases there is no remedy, but by returning to the LORD with repentance, faith, and prayer; beseeching him to return to us. CHRIST, the Son of David, is given for a banner to those that fear GOD; in HIM they are gathered together in one, and take courage. In HIS name and strength they wage war with the powers of darkness.

2 Kings 6: 13 – 33

2 Kings 6: 13 – 23
What Elisha said to his servant is spoken to all the faithful servants of GOD, when without are fighting’s, and within are fears. Fear not, with that fear which has torment and amazement; for they that are with us, to protect us, are more than they that are against us, to destroy us. The eyes of his body were open, and with them he saw the danger.
LORD, open the eyes of our faith, that with them we may see thy protecting hand. The clearer sight we have of the sovereignty and power of Heaven, the less we shall fear the troubles of earth. Satan, the god of this world, blinds men’s eyes, and so deludes them unto their own ruin; but when GOD enlightens their eyes, they see themselves in the midst of their enemies, captives to Satan, and in danger of hell, though, before, they thought their condition good. When Elisha had the Syrians at his mercy, he made it appear that he was influenced by Divine goodness as well as Divine power. Let us not be overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. The Syrians saw it was to no purpose to try to assault so great and so good a man.

Mark 10: 1 – 16

Mark 10: 16
And blessed them.

CHRIST is deeply concerned about the salvation and the spiritual upbringing of children. Christian parents should use every means of grace, available to bring their children to CHRIST, for HE longs to receive them, love them and bless them.

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📓 CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th October 2024

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 22nd September 2023


Psalms– 60 and 61

Old Testament– 2 Kings 6: 13 – 23

New Testament– Mark 10: 1 – 12


Psalms– 119: 161 – 176

Old Testament– 2 Kings 6: 24 – 33

New Testament– Mark 10: 13 – 16

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 60; 61 and 119: 161 – 176
1) Prayer for national deliverance…Psalm number?
2 Kings 6: 13 – 33
2) What did the young man see after Elisha prayed…Reference…?
Mark 10: 1 – 16
3) Who cannot enter the kingdom of GOD…reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 60; 61 and 119: 161 – 176

Psalms 60: 1 – 5
David owns GOD’s displeasure to be the cause of all the hardships he had undergone. And when GOD is turning HIS hand in our favour, it is good to remember our former troubles. In GOD’s displeasure their troubles began, therefore in HIS favour their prosperity must begin. Those breaches and divisions which the folly and corruption of man make, nothing but the wisdom and grace of GOD can repair, by pouring out a spirit of love and peace, by which only a kingdom is saved from ruin. The anger of GOD against sin, is the only cause of all misery, private or public, that has been, is, or shall be. In all these cases there is no remedy, but by returning to the LORD with repentance, faith, and prayer; beseeching him to return to us. CHRIST, the Son of David, is given for a banner to those that fear GOD; in HIM they are gathered together in one, and take courage. In HIS name and strength they wage war with the powers of darkness.

2 Kings 6: 13 – 33

2 Kings 6: 13 – 23
What Elisha said to his servant is spoken to all the faithful servants of GOD, when without are fighting’s, and within are fears. Fear not, with that fear which has torment and amazement; for they that are with us, to protect us, are more than they that are against us, to destroy us. The eyes of his body were open, and with them he saw the danger.
LORD, open the eyes of our faith, that with them we may see thy protecting hand. The clearer sight we have of the sovereignty and power of Heaven, the less we shall fear the troubles of earth. Satan, the god of this world, blinds men’s eyes, and so deludes them unto their own ruin; but when GOD enlightens their eyes, they see themselves in the midst of their enemies, captives to Satan, and in danger of hell, though, before, they thought their condition good. When Elisha had the Syrians at his mercy, he made it appear that he was influenced by Divine goodness as well as Divine power. Let us not be overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. The Syrians saw it was to no purpose to try to assault so great and so good a man.

Mark 10: 1 – 16

Mark 10: 16
And blessed them.

CHRIST is deeply concerned about the salvation and the spiritual upbringing of children. Christian parents should use every means of grace, available to bring their children to CHRIST, for HE longs to receive them, love them and bless them.