The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 1st November 2023


Psalms– 1; 2 and 5

Old Testament– Esther 9: 11 – 19

New Testament– 1 Corinthians 4: 6 – 13


Psalms- 3 and 4

Old Testament– Esther 9: 20 – 28

New Testament- 1 Corinthians 4: 14 – 21

Verses for 1st November 2023


Psalms 1 to 5

Psalms 4: 1 – 3
Often power in prayer is lacking because there is little passion in prayer. It isn’t that we persuade GOD by emotional displays, but GOD wants us to care deeply about the things HE cares deeply about.
David knew that his righteousness came from GOD, and not from himself. He calls upon the GOD who makes him righteous.
David knew that he and other godly people were set apart for GOD. There are many reasons why we set things apart- either for our own enjoyment or for greater purity or for special service.
The ungodly have a disaster waiting for them, but the godly have a great reward in the LORD. All Christians should have the same assurance. They should be confident that GOD will hear their prayers. When prayer seems ineffective, it is worth it to take a spiritual inventory to see if there is a reason for unanswered prayer.
The Bible tells us there are several possible reasons why prayer may not be answered.
·Not abiding in JESUS (John 15:7).
·Unbelief (Matthew 17:20-21).
·Failure to fast (Matthew 17:21).
·A Bad marriage relationship (1 Peter 3:7).
·Unconfessed sin (James 5:16).
·Lying and deceitfulness (Psalm 17:1).
·Lack of Bible reading and Bible teaching (Proverbs 28:9).
·Trusting in prayer (Matthew 6:7).

Esther 9: 11 – 28
The Jews definitely had their enemies, those who wished to destroy them. Yet they had someone great on their side: the king, with all his resources. With the king for them, it didn’t matter who was against them. Thus the Jews defeated all their enemies
This chapter records the events on the thirteenth and fourteenth of Adar and the institution of the Purim festival after the Jews overcome their enemies.

We have our own enemies to deal with; but with the KING OF KINGS on our side, we have no reason to fear – What then shall we say to these things? If GOD is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)
The principle of remembering GOD’s great deliverance is good; we too often forget HIS great works.

1 Corinthians 4: 6 – 21
The Old Testament is full of stories and principles that will humble us before GOD and man, which will lead to maintaining unity in the church.
Paul explains that for the Corinthians to make spiritual headway they must learn to humble themselves before GOD and others.
We must resist our pride, be willing to learn, suffer, and sacrifice in order to grow.

GOD is the ONE who makes things happen in ministry and the ONE Who gives life.
We must receive the encouragement of those leaders that GOD has placed in our lives – in our families and in the church. It can be as simple as noticing a godly trait in someone else that you want to develop more in your own life, perhaps asking someone who is farther along than you in an area how they grew. We can find encouragement from fathers in the faith recorded in the Scriptures, as well as in biographies of Christians before us that have lived well. We grow by receiving the encouragement of the leaders GOD provides.

Also if you’re a Christian you realize that correction doesn’t stop with your earthly parents. Your HEAVENLY FATHER disciplines you so that you can “share in HIS holiness”. But unlike your parents— who may have punished you wrongly at times—the LORD always chastens you for the right reason, in the right way, at the right time, and to the right degree. HE never makes mistakes and HE disciplines you to show HIS love for you. HE is a faithful father who not only encourages His children, but corrects us as well.

Is GOD seeking to correct something in your life now? A sinful habit? A sinful attitude? A needed adjustment in priorities? We all need it because we are all works in progress.

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