The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th August 2023


Psalms– 107: 23 – 43

Old Testament– 1 Kings 6: 23 – 38

New Testament– Matthew 23: 1 – 12


Psalms– 108

Old Testament– 1 Kings 7: 1 – 12

New Testament– Matthew 23: 13 – 24

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 100 to 102
1) Old Testament Prophecy and New Testament fulfilment… reference…?
1 Kings 3: 1 – 28
2) What pleased the LORD and what did GOD grant Solomon? Reference..?
Matthew 20: 29 – 21: 11
3) What was JESUS question to the two blind men…reference…?

Verses for 16th August 2023


Psalms 107: 23 – 43 and Psalms 108
Psalms 107: 23 – 32
Let those who go to sea, consider and adore the LORD.

Mariners have their business upon the tempestuous ocean, and there witness deliverances of which others cannot form an idea. How seasonable it is at such a time to pray! This may remind us of the terrors and distress of conscience many experience, and of those deep scenes of trouble which many pass through, in their Christian course. Yet, in answer to their cries, the LORD turns their storm into a calm, and causes their trials to end in gladness.

1 Kings 6: 23 – 7: 12

1 Kings 7: 1 – 12
All Solomon’s buildings, though beautiful, were intended for use.

Solomon began with the temple; he built for GOD first, and then his other buildings. The surest foundations of lasting prosperity are laid in early piety. He was thirteen years building his house, yet he built the temple in little more than seven years; not that he was more exact, but less eager in building his own house, than in building GOD’s. We ought to prefer GOD’s honour before our own ease and satisfaction.

Matthew 23: 1 – 24
Matthew 23: 13
Woe unto you…hypocrites.

JESUS most severe denunciation. HIS words were directed against religious leaders and teachers who had rejected at least a part of the revealed Word of GOD and replaced it with their own ideas and interpretations. The spirit of JESUS is to be noted. Rather than tolerating and accommodating persons who outwardly appeared righteous in their religious performance but who were unrighteous in their personal lives JESUS confronted their hypocrisy.

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

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📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th October 2024

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th August 2023


Psalms– 107: 23 – 43

Old Testament– 1 Kings 6: 23 – 38

New Testament– Matthew 23: 1 – 12


Psalms– 108

Old Testament– 1 Kings 7: 1 – 12

New Testament– Matthew 23: 13 – 24

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 100 to 102
1) Old Testament Prophecy and New Testament fulfilment… reference…?
1 Kings 3: 1 – 28
2) What pleased the LORD and what did GOD grant Solomon? Reference..?
Matthew 20: 29 – 21: 11
3) What was JESUS question to the two blind men…reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 107: 23 – 43 and Psalms 108
Psalms 107: 23 – 32
Let those who go to sea, consider and adore the LORD.

Mariners have their business upon the tempestuous ocean, and there witness deliverances of which others cannot form an idea. How seasonable it is at such a time to pray! This may remind us of the terrors and distress of conscience many experience, and of those deep scenes of trouble which many pass through, in their Christian course. Yet, in answer to their cries, the LORD turns their storm into a calm, and causes their trials to end in gladness.

1 Kings 6: 23 – 7: 12

1 Kings 7: 1 – 12
All Solomon’s buildings, though beautiful, were intended for use.

Solomon began with the temple; he built for GOD first, and then his other buildings. The surest foundations of lasting prosperity are laid in early piety. He was thirteen years building his house, yet he built the temple in little more than seven years; not that he was more exact, but less eager in building his own house, than in building GOD’s. We ought to prefer GOD’s honour before our own ease and satisfaction.

Matthew 23: 1 – 24
Matthew 23: 13
Woe unto you…hypocrites.

JESUS most severe denunciation. HIS words were directed against religious leaders and teachers who had rejected at least a part of the revealed Word of GOD and replaced it with their own ideas and interpretations. The spirit of JESUS is to be noted. Rather than tolerating and accommodating persons who outwardly appeared righteous in their religious performance but who were unrighteous in their personal lives JESUS confronted their hypocrisy.