The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 13th October 2023


Psalms– 105: 23 – 45

Old Testament– 2 Kings 19: 8 – 19

New Testament– Mark 15: 21 – 24


Psalms– 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48

Old Testament- 2 Kings 19: 20 – 24

New Testament– Mark 15: 25 – 32


Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 105: 23 – 45 and 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48
1) Explain psalm 106: verse 15…?
2 Kings 19: 8 – 24
2) What did Hezekiah do when he received the letter…?
Mark 15: 21 – 32
3) Old Testament Prophecy and New Testament fulfilment reference…?

Verses for 13th October 2023


Psalms 105: 23 – 45 and 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48

Psalms 106: 1 – 6
None of our sins or sufferings should prevent our ascribing glory and praise to the LORD. The more unworthy we are, the more is HIS kindness to be admired. And those who depend on the Redeemer’s righteousness will endeavour to copy HIS example, and by word and deed to show forth HIS praise. GOD’s people have reason to be cheerful people; and need not envy the children of men their pleasure or pride.

2 Kings 19: 8 – 24

2 Kings 19: 15
Hezekiah prayed.
Hezekiah took the defiant letter that demanded Jerusalem’s surrender, spread it out before the LORD and prayed earnestly to HIM. When troubles come into our lives and circumstances seem out of control, we must do just as Hezekiah did draw near to GOD in fervent and trusting prayer. GOD has promised to deliver His people from the hands of their enemies and permit nothing to happen that is out of HIS will, by clinging to GOD in trust and faith, we will have HIS peace to guard our hearts and mind.

Mark 15: 21 – 32
The place where our LORD JESUS was crucified, was called the place of a skull; it was the common place of execution; for HE was in all respects numbered with the transgressors. Whenever we look unto CHRIST crucified, we must remember what was written over HIS head; HE is a King, and we must give up ourselves to be HIS subjects, as Israelites indeed. They crucified two thieves with HIM, and HIM in the midst; they thereby intended HIM great dishonour. But it was foretold that HE should be numbered with the transgressors, because HE was made sin for us. Even those who passed by railed at HIM. They told HIM to come down from the cross, and they would believe; but they did not believe, though he gave them a more convincing sign when HE came up from the grave. With what earnestness will the man who firmly believes the truth, as made known by the sufferings of CHRIST, seek for salvation! With what gratitude will he receive the dawning hope of forgiveness and eternal life, as purchased for him by the sufferings and death of the SON OF GOD! And with what godly sorrow will he mourn over the sins which crucified the LORD of glory!

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th October 2024

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 13th October 2023


Psalms– 105: 23 – 45

Old Testament– 2 Kings 19: 8 – 19

New Testament– Mark 15: 21 – 24


Psalms– 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48

Old Testament- 2 Kings 19: 20 – 24

New Testament– Mark 15: 25 – 32


Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 105: 23 – 45 and 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48
1) Explain psalm 106: verse 15…?
2 Kings 19: 8 – 24
2) What did Hezekiah do when he received the letter…?
Mark 15: 21 – 32
3) Old Testament Prophecy and New Testament fulfilment reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 105: 23 – 45 and 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48

Psalms 106: 1 – 6
None of our sins or sufferings should prevent our ascribing glory and praise to the LORD. The more unworthy we are, the more is HIS kindness to be admired. And those who depend on the Redeemer’s righteousness will endeavour to copy HIS example, and by word and deed to show forth HIS praise. GOD’s people have reason to be cheerful people; and need not envy the children of men their pleasure or pride.

2 Kings 19: 8 – 24

2 Kings 19: 15
Hezekiah prayed.
Hezekiah took the defiant letter that demanded Jerusalem’s surrender, spread it out before the LORD and prayed earnestly to HIM. When troubles come into our lives and circumstances seem out of control, we must do just as Hezekiah did draw near to GOD in fervent and trusting prayer. GOD has promised to deliver His people from the hands of their enemies and permit nothing to happen that is out of HIS will, by clinging to GOD in trust and faith, we will have HIS peace to guard our hearts and mind.

Mark 15: 21 – 32
The place where our LORD JESUS was crucified, was called the place of a skull; it was the common place of execution; for HE was in all respects numbered with the transgressors. Whenever we look unto CHRIST crucified, we must remember what was written over HIS head; HE is a King, and we must give up ourselves to be HIS subjects, as Israelites indeed. They crucified two thieves with HIM, and HIM in the midst; they thereby intended HIM great dishonour. But it was foretold that HE should be numbered with the transgressors, because HE was made sin for us. Even those who passed by railed at HIM. They told HIM to come down from the cross, and they would believe; but they did not believe, though he gave them a more convincing sign when HE came up from the grave. With what earnestness will the man who firmly believes the truth, as made known by the sufferings of CHRIST, seek for salvation! With what gratitude will he receive the dawning hope of forgiveness and eternal life, as purchased for him by the sufferings and death of the SON OF GOD! And with what godly sorrow will he mourn over the sins which crucified the LORD of glory!