The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 12th October 2023


Psalms– 104: 24 – 35

Old Testament– 2 Kings 18: 26 – 37

New Testament- Mark 15: 6 – 15


Psalms– 105: 1 – 22

Old Testament– 2 Kings 19: 1 – 7

New Testament– Mark 15: 16 – 20


Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 104: 24 – 35 and 105: 1 – 22
1) The LORD remembers HIS covenant… Psalm number…?
2 Kings 18: 26 – 19: 7
2) To which prophet did Hezekiah send Eliakim…reference?
Mark 15: 6 – 20
3) What was Barnabas crime…?

Verses for 12th October 2023


Psalms 104: 24 – 35 and 105: 1 – 22

Psalms 105: 1 – 7
Our devotion is here stirred up, that we may stir up ourselves to praise GOD.
Seek HIS strength; that is, HIS grace; the strength of HIS SPIRIT to work in us that which is good, which we cannot do but by strength derived from HIM, for which he will be sought. Seek to have HIS favour to eternity, therefore continue seeking it while living in this world; for HE will not only be found, but HE will reward those that diligently seek HIM.

2 Kings 18: 26 – 19: 7

2 Kings 19: 1
Hezekiah….went into the house of the LORD.
Hezekiah had great confidence in GOD. Faced with the threat of the Assyrians, he turned to GOD and entreated Isaiah to pray for Jerusalem and GOD’s remnant people.

Mark 15: 6 – 20
CHRIST met death in its greatest terror.
It was the death of the vilest malefactors. Thus the cross and the shame are put together. GOD having been dishonoured by the sin of man, CHRIST made satisfaction by submitting to the greatest disgrace human nature could be loaded with. It was a cursed death; thus it was branded by the Jewish law, Deuteronomy 21:23. The Roman soldiers mocked our LORD JESUS as a King; thus in the high priest’s hall the servants had mocked HIM as a Prophet and SAVIOUR. Shall a purple or scarlet robe be matter of pride to a Christian, which was matter of reproach and shame to CHRIST? HE wore the crown of thorns which we deserved, that we might wear the crown of glory which HE merited. We were by sin liable to everlasting shame and contempt; to deliver us, our LORD JESUS submitted to shame and contempt. HE was led forth with the workers of iniquity, though HE did no sin. The sufferings of the meek and holy Redeemer, are ever a source of instruction to the believer, of which, in his best hours, he cannot be weary. Did JESUS thus suffer, and shall I, a vile sinner, fret or repine? Shall I indulge anger, or utter reproaches and threats because of troubles and injuries?

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th October 2024

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 12th October 2023


Psalms– 104: 24 – 35

Old Testament– 2 Kings 18: 26 – 37

New Testament- Mark 15: 6 – 15


Psalms– 105: 1 – 22

Old Testament– 2 Kings 19: 1 – 7

New Testament– Mark 15: 16 – 20


Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 104: 24 – 35 and 105: 1 – 22
1) The LORD remembers HIS covenant… Psalm number…?
2 Kings 18: 26 – 19: 7
2) To which prophet did Hezekiah send Eliakim…reference?
Mark 15: 6 – 20
3) What was Barnabas crime…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 104: 24 – 35 and 105: 1 – 22

Psalms 105: 1 – 7
Our devotion is here stirred up, that we may stir up ourselves to praise GOD.
Seek HIS strength; that is, HIS grace; the strength of HIS SPIRIT to work in us that which is good, which we cannot do but by strength derived from HIM, for which he will be sought. Seek to have HIS favour to eternity, therefore continue seeking it while living in this world; for HE will not only be found, but HE will reward those that diligently seek HIM.

2 Kings 18: 26 – 19: 7

2 Kings 19: 1
Hezekiah….went into the house of the LORD.
Hezekiah had great confidence in GOD. Faced with the threat of the Assyrians, he turned to GOD and entreated Isaiah to pray for Jerusalem and GOD’s remnant people.

Mark 15: 6 – 20
CHRIST met death in its greatest terror.
It was the death of the vilest malefactors. Thus the cross and the shame are put together. GOD having been dishonoured by the sin of man, CHRIST made satisfaction by submitting to the greatest disgrace human nature could be loaded with. It was a cursed death; thus it was branded by the Jewish law, Deuteronomy 21:23. The Roman soldiers mocked our LORD JESUS as a King; thus in the high priest’s hall the servants had mocked HIM as a Prophet and SAVIOUR. Shall a purple or scarlet robe be matter of pride to a Christian, which was matter of reproach and shame to CHRIST? HE wore the crown of thorns which we deserved, that we might wear the crown of glory which HE merited. We were by sin liable to everlasting shame and contempt; to deliver us, our LORD JESUS submitted to shame and contempt. HE was led forth with the workers of iniquity, though HE did no sin. The sufferings of the meek and holy Redeemer, are ever a source of instruction to the believer, of which, in his best hours, he cannot be weary. Did JESUS thus suffer, and shall I, a vile sinner, fret or repine? Shall I indulge anger, or utter reproaches and threats because of troubles and injuries?