The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 9th March 2024


Psalms – 29 and 30

Old Testament – Jeremiah 20: 1 – 6

New Testament – Luke 12: 22 – 34


Psalms – 31

Old Testament – Jeremiah 20: 7 – 18

New Testament – Luke 12: 35 – 48

Verses for 9th March 2024


Psalms 29 to 31
Psalms 30
A psalm and song at the dedication of the house of David.
This is a psalm of thanksgiving for the great deliverances which GOD had wrought for David, penned upon occasion of the dedicating of his house of cedar, and sung in that pious solemnity, though there is not anything in it that has particular reference to that occasion. Some collect from divers passages in the psalm itself that it was penned upon his recovery from a dangerous fit of sickness, which might happen to be about the time of the dedication of his house.
I. Here he praises GOD for the deliverances he had wrought for him (v. 1-3).
II. He calls upon others to praise HIM too and encourages them to trust in GOD (v. 4, 5).
III. He blames himself for his former security (v. 6, 7).
IV. He recollects the prayers and complaints he had made in his distress (v. 8-10).
With them he stirs up himself to be very thankful to GOD for the present comfortable change (v. 11, 12). ​
In singing this psalm we ought to remember with thankfulness, any like deliverances wrought for us, for which we must stir up ourselves to praise GOD and by which we must be engaged to depend upon HIM.

Jeremiah 20: 1 – 18
Jeremiah 20: 9
HIS Word….a burning fire.
No matter how hard Jeremiah tried, he was unable to suppress GOD’s message within him. He sympathized fully with GOD’s anger against the sins of the people. The prophet felt such oneness with GOD and HIS cause that he had to proclaim the word of the LORD, even though it brought him excruciating pain and suffering.

Luke 12: 22 – 48
Luke 12: 38
Blessed are those servants.
A special blessing of CHRIST’s presence and care is reserved for those who in full readiness and faithfulness wait watching for their LORD’s return during the interval between HIS ascension and second coming.​

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