The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 6th April 2024


Psalms – 90

Old Testament – Jeremiah 39: 1 – 10

New Testament – Acts 2: 14 – 21


Psalms – 91

Old Testament – Jeremiah 39: 11 – 18

New Testament – Acts 2: 22 – 35

Verses for 6th April 2024


Psalms 90 and 91
Psalms 90: 12 – 17
Those who would learn true wisdom must pray for Divine instruction, must beg to be taught by the HOLY SPIRIT; and for comfort and joy in the returns of GOD’s favour. They pray for the mercy of GOD, for they pretend not to plead any merit of their own. HIS favour would be a full fountain of future joys. It would be a sufficient balance to former griefs. Let the grace of GOD in us produce the light of good works. And let Divine consolations put gladness into our hearts, and a lustre upon our countenances. The work of our hands, establish thou it; and, in order to that, establish us in it. Instead of wasting our precious, fleeting days in pursuing fancies, which leave the possessors forever poor, let us seek the forgiveness of sins and an inheritance in heaven. Let us pray that the work of the HOLY SPIRIT may appear in converting our hearts and that the beauty of holiness may be seen in our conduct.

Jeremiah 39: 1 – 18​
Jeremiah 39: 11
Nebuchadnezzar had undoubtedly heard of Jeremiah’s advice to submit to Babylon, and the Babylonians treated him kindly when they captured Jerusalem. He was put under the protection of Gedaliah, the appointed governor. After being freed, Jeremiah was apparently again arrested by mistake and put in chains awaiting transport to Babylon, once again he was set free.

Acts 2: 14 – 35
Acts 2: 18
In those days, Peter, quoting Joel, says that GOD will pour out HIS SPIRIT in those days. The outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT and the accompanying supernatural signs cannot be limited to just the one day of Pentecost. The power and blessing of the HOLY SPIRIT is for every Christian to have and experience throughout the Church age.

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