The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 3rd April 2024


Psalms – 83 and 84

Old Testament – Jeremiah 36: 11 – 21

New Testament – Luke 24: 44 – 49


Psalms – 85

Old Testament – Jeremiah 36: 22 – 32

New Testament – Luke 24: 50 – 53

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 83, 84 and 85
Longing for the sanctuary…Psalm number…?
Jeremiah 36: 11 – 32
What happened to Jeremiah’s Prophecy rolls…reference…?
Luke 24: 44 – 53
Witnessing and HOLY SPIRIT…reference…?

Verses for 3rd April 2024


Psalms 83; 84 and 85
Psalms 84: 1 – 7
The ordinances of GOD are the believer’s solace in this evil world; in them, he enjoys the presence of the living GOD: and this causes him to regret his absence from them. They are to his soul as the nest to the bird. Yet they are only an earnest of the happiness of heaven; but how can men desire to enter that holy habitation, who complain of Divine ordinances as wearisome? Those who are truly happy, who go forth, and go on in the exercise of religion, in the strength of the grace of JESUS CHRIST, from whom all our sufficiency is. The pilgrims to the heavenly city may have to pass ​ through many a valley of weeping, and many a thirsty desert; but wells of salvation shall be opened for them, and consolations sent for their support. Those who press forward in their Christian course shall find GOD to add grace to their graces. And those who grow in grace shall be perfect in glory.

Jeremiah 36: 11 – 32
Jeremiah 36: 23
Cut it… and cast it into the fire.
As the king began destroying the scroll, he was revealing not only his open hostility to Jeremiah’s warnings and pleas for repentance but also his contempt for GOD’s written Word and the LORD HIMSELF, it is essential for our spiritual vitality that we strive to maintain love and respect for GOD’s written revelation. Even though we may not attempt to destroy it as did King Jehoiakim, we may still find ourselves casting the Word behind our backs by neglecting to read, study and meditate on its inspired truths and by failing to live by its precepts.

Luke 24: 44 – 53
Luke 24: 27
Repentance and remission of sins.
The disciples were not to preach remission (forgiveness) of sins without the demand of repentance. The preacher who offers salvation based on an easy faith or by a mere acceptance of salvation without a commitment to obey CHRIST and HIS Word preaches a false gospel. Repentance involves forsaking sin, this has always been an essential element in the true gospel of the New Testament.

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πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

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πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 3rd April 2024


Psalms – 83 and 84

Old Testament – Jeremiah 36: 11 – 21

New Testament – Luke 24: 44 – 49


Psalms – 85

Old Testament – Jeremiah 36: 22 – 32

New Testament – Luke 24: 50 – 53

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 83, 84 and 85
Longing for the sanctuary…Psalm number…?
Jeremiah 36: 11 – 32
What happened to Jeremiah’s Prophecy rolls…reference…?
Luke 24: 44 – 53
Witnessing and HOLY SPIRIT…reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 83; 84 and 85
Psalms 84: 1 – 7
The ordinances of GOD are the believer’s solace in this evil world; in them, he enjoys the presence of the living GOD: and this causes him to regret his absence from them. They are to his soul as the nest to the bird. Yet they are only an earnest of the happiness of heaven; but how can men desire to enter that holy habitation, who complain of Divine ordinances as wearisome? Those who are truly happy, who go forth, and go on in the exercise of religion, in the strength of the grace of JESUS CHRIST, from whom all our sufficiency is. The pilgrims to the heavenly city may have to pass ​ through many a valley of weeping, and many a thirsty desert; but wells of salvation shall be opened for them, and consolations sent for their support. Those who press forward in their Christian course shall find GOD to add grace to their graces. And those who grow in grace shall be perfect in glory.

Jeremiah 36: 11 – 32
Jeremiah 36: 23
Cut it… and cast it into the fire.
As the king began destroying the scroll, he was revealing not only his open hostility to Jeremiah’s warnings and pleas for repentance but also his contempt for GOD’s written Word and the LORD HIMSELF, it is essential for our spiritual vitality that we strive to maintain love and respect for GOD’s written revelation. Even though we may not attempt to destroy it as did King Jehoiakim, we may still find ourselves casting the Word behind our backs by neglecting to read, study and meditate on its inspired truths and by failing to live by its precepts.

Luke 24: 44 – 53
Luke 24: 27
Repentance and remission of sins.
The disciples were not to preach remission (forgiveness) of sins without the demand of repentance. The preacher who offers salvation based on an easy faith or by a mere acceptance of salvation without a commitment to obey CHRIST and HIS Word preaches a false gospel. Repentance involves forsaking sin, this has always been an essential element in the true gospel of the New Testament.