The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 2nd August 2024


Psalms – 81

Old Testament – 1 Chronicles 10: 1 – 14

New Testament – John 6: 22 – 27


Psalms – 82

Old Testament – 1 Chronicles 11: 1 – 9

New Testament – John 6: 28 – 40

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 81 & 82
Unjust judgements rebuked…?
1 Chronicles 10: 1 – 11: 9
Who defeated Saul…?
John 6: 22 – 40
What is the first “I am” recorded in this portion …Reference…?

Verses for 2nd August 2024


Psalms 81 & 82

Psalms 81: 1 – 7
All the worship we can render to the LORD is beneath HIS excellences, and our obligations to HIM, especially in our redemption from sin and wrath. What GOD had done on Israel’s behalf, was kept in remembrance by public solemnities. To make a deliverance appear more gracious, more glorious, it is good to observe all that makes the trouble we are delivered from appear more grievous. We ought never to forget the base and ruinous drudgery to which Satan, our oppressor, brought us. But when, in distress of conscience, we are led to cry for deliverance, the LORD answers our prayers, and sets us at liberty. Convictions of sin, and trials by affliction, prove HIS regard to HIS people. If the Jews, on their solemn feast-days, were thus to call to mind their redemption out of Egypt, much more ought we, on the Christian Sabbath, to call to mind a more glorious redemption, wrought out for us by our LORD JESUS CHRIST, from worse bondage.

1 Chronicles 10: 1 – 11: 9

1 Chronicles 10: 1
The Philistines fought against Israel.
With chapter 10 the writer begins a historical summary of Israel’s past, starting with the monarchical Era. In this chapter he states the reason for the rejection of Saul and the transfer of the kingdom to David.

John 6: 22 – 40

John 6: 35
I am the bread of life.
I am the bread if life is the first of the seven “I am “statements recorded in John’s Gospel, each one emphasizing an important aspect of the personal ministry of JESUS. This statement tells us that CHRIST is the sustenance that nourishes spiritual life. The other I am statements are the light of the world , the door, the good shepherd, the resurrection and the life , the way, the truth , and the life, and the true wine.

📓 CSI Almanac – 18th October 2024, Friday

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 2nd August 2024


Psalms – 81

Old Testament – 1 Chronicles 10: 1 – 14

New Testament – John 6: 22 – 27


Psalms – 82

Old Testament – 1 Chronicles 11: 1 – 9

New Testament – John 6: 28 – 40

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 81 & 82
Unjust judgements rebuked…?
1 Chronicles 10: 1 – 11: 9
Who defeated Saul…?
John 6: 22 – 40
What is the first “I am” recorded in this portion …Reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 81 & 82

Psalms 81: 1 – 7
All the worship we can render to the LORD is beneath HIS excellences, and our obligations to HIM, especially in our redemption from sin and wrath. What GOD had done on Israel’s behalf, was kept in remembrance by public solemnities. To make a deliverance appear more gracious, more glorious, it is good to observe all that makes the trouble we are delivered from appear more grievous. We ought never to forget the base and ruinous drudgery to which Satan, our oppressor, brought us. But when, in distress of conscience, we are led to cry for deliverance, the LORD answers our prayers, and sets us at liberty. Convictions of sin, and trials by affliction, prove HIS regard to HIS people. If the Jews, on their solemn feast-days, were thus to call to mind their redemption out of Egypt, much more ought we, on the Christian Sabbath, to call to mind a more glorious redemption, wrought out for us by our LORD JESUS CHRIST, from worse bondage.

1 Chronicles 10: 1 – 11: 9

1 Chronicles 10: 1
The Philistines fought against Israel.
With chapter 10 the writer begins a historical summary of Israel’s past, starting with the monarchical Era. In this chapter he states the reason for the rejection of Saul and the transfer of the kingdom to David.

John 6: 22 – 40

John 6: 35
I am the bread of life.
I am the bread if life is the first of the seven “I am “statements recorded in John’s Gospel, each one emphasizing an important aspect of the personal ministry of JESUS. This statement tells us that CHRIST is the sustenance that nourishes spiritual life. The other I am statements are the light of the world , the door, the good shepherd, the resurrection and the life , the way, the truth , and the life, and the true wine.