The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 28th February 2024


Psalms – 142 and 143

Old Testament – Jeremiah 11: 18 – 23

New Testament – Luke 9: 1 – 9


Psalms – 144

Old Testament – Jeremiah 12: 1 – 6

New Testament – Luke 9: 10 – 17

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms - 142; 143 and 144
Overcoming the world and Worldliness…reference?
Jeremiah 11: 18 – 12: 6
Significance of Anathoth…?
Luke 9: 1 – 17

Verses for 28th February 2024


Psalms- 142; 143 and 144
Psalms 143: 1 – 6
We have no righteousness of our own to plead, therefore must plead GOD’s righteousness, and the word of promise which HE has freely given us, and caused us to hope in. David, before he prays for the removal of his trouble, prays for the pardon of his sin, and depends upon mercy alone for it. He bemoans the weight upon his mind from outward troubles. But he looks back, and remembers GOD’s former appearance for his afflicted people, and for him in particular. He looks around​ and notices the works of GOD. The more we consider the power of GOD, the less we shall fear the face or force of man. He looks up with earnest desires towards GOD and HIS favour. This is the best course we can take when our spirits are overwhelmed. The believer will not forget, that in his best actions, he is a sinner.
Meditation and prayer will recover us from distress, and then the mourning soul strives to return to the LORD as the infant stretches out its hands to the indulgent mother, and thirsts for his consolations as the parched ground for refreshing rain.

Jeremiah 11: 18 – 12: 6
Jeremiah 11: 19 – 23
Devised devices against me.
Several men of Anathoth plotted against Jeremiah, they wanted to kill him because he had remained faithful to the LORD GOD and exposed their sins and idolatry. GOD assured the prophet that the conspirators would neither succeed in their plot nor survive the day of punishment. Jeremiah continued to proclaim the word of the LORD despite persecution.
Luke 9: 1 – 17
Luke 9: 2
Preach the kingdom….heal the sick.
This is the first time JESUS sent out the 12 disciples to represent HIM by word and deed. The instructions given to the 12, according to the parallel passage in Matthew, was to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. After HIS resurrection, however, JESUS changed the scope to encompass all nations in a commission that is to continue to the very end of the age. The Gospel writers make it clear that JESUS’ command to preach the Kingdom of GOD was seldom given apart from the command to heal the sick and to drive out demons. GOD intends that the presentation of the Gospel today be accompanied by the same demonstration of the Spirit and power.

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 28th February 2024


Psalms – 142 and 143

Old Testament – Jeremiah 11: 18 – 23

New Testament – Luke 9: 1 – 9


Psalms – 144

Old Testament – Jeremiah 12: 1 – 6

New Testament – Luke 9: 10 – 17

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms - 142; 143 and 144
Overcoming the world and Worldliness…reference?
Jeremiah 11: 18 – 12: 6
Significance of Anathoth…?
Luke 9: 1 – 17

Verses for Today


Psalms- 142; 143 and 144
Psalms 143: 1 – 6
We have no righteousness of our own to plead, therefore must plead GOD’s righteousness, and the word of promise which HE has freely given us, and caused us to hope in. David, before he prays for the removal of his trouble, prays for the pardon of his sin, and depends upon mercy alone for it. He bemoans the weight upon his mind from outward troubles. But he looks back, and remembers GOD’s former appearance for his afflicted people, and for him in particular. He looks around​ and notices the works of GOD. The more we consider the power of GOD, the less we shall fear the face or force of man. He looks up with earnest desires towards GOD and HIS favour. This is the best course we can take when our spirits are overwhelmed. The believer will not forget, that in his best actions, he is a sinner.
Meditation and prayer will recover us from distress, and then the mourning soul strives to return to the LORD as the infant stretches out its hands to the indulgent mother, and thirsts for his consolations as the parched ground for refreshing rain.

Jeremiah 11: 18 – 12: 6
Jeremiah 11: 19 – 23
Devised devices against me.
Several men of Anathoth plotted against Jeremiah, they wanted to kill him because he had remained faithful to the LORD GOD and exposed their sins and idolatry. GOD assured the prophet that the conspirators would neither succeed in their plot nor survive the day of punishment. Jeremiah continued to proclaim the word of the LORD despite persecution.
Luke 9: 1 – 17
Luke 9: 2
Preach the kingdom….heal the sick.
This is the first time JESUS sent out the 12 disciples to represent HIM by word and deed. The instructions given to the 12, according to the parallel passage in Matthew, was to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. After HIS resurrection, however, JESUS changed the scope to encompass all nations in a commission that is to continue to the very end of the age. The Gospel writers make it clear that JESUS’ command to preach the Kingdom of GOD was seldom given apart from the command to heal the sick and to drive out demons. GOD intends that the presentation of the Gospel today be accompanied by the same demonstration of the Spirit and power.