The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 27th February 2024


Psalms – 139

Old Testament – Jeremiah 11: 1 – 8

New Testament – Luke 8: 40 – 48


Psalms – 140: 1 – 8 & 12 – 13 and Psalms 141

Old Testament – Jeremiah 11: 9 – 17

New Testament – Luke 8: 49 – 56

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms - 139; Psalms 140: 1 – 8 & 12 – 13 and Psalms 141
Let the righteous smite me…reference?
Jeremiah 11: 1 – 17
Walking in obedience and righteousness reference…?
Luke 8: 40 – 56
Faith that moves mountains…reference?

Verses for 27th February 2024


Psalms- 139; Psalms 140: 1 – 8 & 12 – 13 and Psalms 141
Psalms 140: 1 – 4
Make haste unto me.
Those that know how to value GOD’s gracious presence, will be the more fervent in their prayers. When presented through the sacrifice and intercession of the SAVIOUR, they will be as acceptable to GOD as the daily sacrifices and burnings of incense were of old. ​
Prayer is a spiritual sacrifice, it is the offering up of the soul and its best affections. Good men know the evil of tongue sins. When enemies are provoking, we are in danger of speaking unadvisedly. While we live in an evil world and have such evil hearts, we need to pray that we may neither be drawn nor driven to do anything sinful. Sinners pretend to find dainties in sin; but those who consider how soon sin will turn into bitterness, will dread such dainties, and pray to GOD to take them out of their sight, and by HIS grace to turn their hearts against them.
Good men pray against the seeds of sin.

Jeremiah 11: 1 – 17
Jeremiah 11: 3
Cursed be the man that obeyeth not.
Israel had made a covenant with GOD, promising to obey HIM as their LORD and GOD. In return, HE would be their GOD and would give them the deed to the land of Canaan and the protection that they needed. But the people had persisted in disobedience and turned to other gods, thus the covenant curses for disobedience would go into effect.

Luke 8: 40 – 56
Luke 8: 50
Fear not believe only.
The daughter of the synagogue ruler died. JESUS’ response was to encourage the father’s faith, even in this seemingly hopeless situation. Throughout redemptive history, believers have placed their trust in GOD even when it seemed as if all was lost. In such times, GOD gave the necessary faith and delivered His people according to HIS will and purpose.

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 27th February 2024


Psalms – 139

Old Testament – Jeremiah 11: 1 – 8

New Testament – Luke 8: 40 – 48


Psalms – 140: 1 – 8 & 12 – 13 and Psalms 141

Old Testament – Jeremiah 11: 9 – 17

New Testament – Luke 8: 49 – 56

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms - 139; Psalms 140: 1 – 8 & 12 – 13 and Psalms 141
Let the righteous smite me…reference?
Jeremiah 11: 1 – 17
Walking in obedience and righteousness reference…?
Luke 8: 40 – 56
Faith that moves mountains…reference?

Verses for Today


Psalms- 139; Psalms 140: 1 – 8 & 12 – 13 and Psalms 141
Psalms 140: 1 – 4
Make haste unto me.
Those that know how to value GOD’s gracious presence, will be the more fervent in their prayers. When presented through the sacrifice and intercession of the SAVIOUR, they will be as acceptable to GOD as the daily sacrifices and burnings of incense were of old. ​
Prayer is a spiritual sacrifice, it is the offering up of the soul and its best affections. Good men know the evil of tongue sins. When enemies are provoking, we are in danger of speaking unadvisedly. While we live in an evil world and have such evil hearts, we need to pray that we may neither be drawn nor driven to do anything sinful. Sinners pretend to find dainties in sin; but those who consider how soon sin will turn into bitterness, will dread such dainties, and pray to GOD to take them out of their sight, and by HIS grace to turn their hearts against them.
Good men pray against the seeds of sin.

Jeremiah 11: 1 – 17
Jeremiah 11: 3
Cursed be the man that obeyeth not.
Israel had made a covenant with GOD, promising to obey HIM as their LORD and GOD. In return, HE would be their GOD and would give them the deed to the land of Canaan and the protection that they needed. But the people had persisted in disobedience and turned to other gods, thus the covenant curses for disobedience would go into effect.

Luke 8: 40 – 56
Luke 8: 50
Fear not believe only.
The daughter of the synagogue ruler died. JESUS’ response was to encourage the father’s faith, even in this seemingly hopeless situation. Throughout redemptive history, believers have placed their trust in GOD even when it seemed as if all was lost. In such times, GOD gave the necessary faith and delivered His people according to HIS will and purpose.