The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 25th May 2024


Psalms – 68: 1 – 20 & 24 – 35

Old Testament – Numbers 16: 28 – 40

New Testament – Acts 26: 12 – 18


Psalms – 69: 1 – 21 & 39 – 36

Old Testament – Numbers 16: 41 – 50

New Testament – Acts 26: 19 – 32

Verses for 25th May 2024


Psalms 68: 1 – 20 & 24 – 35 and 69: 1 – 21 & 39 – 36
Psalms 69: 9
The zeal of thine house hath eaten up.
The psalmist bears rejection, shame and alienation because of his righteous zeal for GOD’s house and kingdom. He has spoken against sin and has pleaded for revival, cleansing and reformation among GOD’s people, for this he has suffered at the hands of those who were comfortable with the spiritual status quo.

Numbers 16: 28 – 50
Numbers 16: 41 – 50
Ye have killed the people of the LORD.
When GOD’s judgment fell on Korah and his allies, the Israelites complained against Moses as if he had brought the judgment. The people had been so deceived that ​ they thought the rebels were the most spiritual men among them. GOD’s people need discernment to make sure that they do not follow leaders who are not from GOD.

Acts 26: 12 – 32
Acts 26: 20
Do the works meet for repentance…
Paul did not preach, as some do, that salvation required only trusting in CHRIST and HIS atoning death. The New Testament apostles declare that no individuals will be saved in CHRIST unless they repent and turn to GOD, and do the works which meet for repentance.

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