The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 23rd March 2024


Psalms – 62 and 63

Old Testament – Jeremiah 30: 1 – 11

New Testament – Luke 19: 28 – 48


Psalms – 64 and 65

Old Testament – Jeremiah 30: 12 – 24

New Testament – Luke 20: 1 – 19

Verses for 23rd March 2024


Psalms 62; 63; 64 and 65
Psalms 62: 1 – 7
We are in the way both of duty and comfort when our souls wait upon GOD; when we cheerfully give up ourselves, and all our affairs, to HIS will and wisdom; when we leave ourselves to all the ways of HIS providence, and patiently expect the event, with full satisfaction in HIS goodness. See the ground and reason of this dependence. By HIS grace HE has supported me, and by HIS providence delivered me. HE only can be my Rock and my salvation; creatures are nothing without HIM, therefore I will look above them to HIM. Trusting in GOD, the heart is fixed. If GOD be for us, we need not fear what man can do against us. David having put his confidence in GOD, foresees the overthrow of His enemies. We have found it good to wait upon the LORD and should charge our souls to have such constant dependence upon HIM, as may make us always easy. If GOD will save my soul, I may well leave everything else to HIS disposal, knowing all shall turn to my salvation. And as David’s faith in GOD advances to an unshaken steadfastness, so his joy in GOD improves into a holy triumph.
Meditation and prayer are blessed means of strengthening faith and hope.​

Jeremiah 30: 1 – 24
Jeremiah 30: 21
Their governor.
JESUS CHRIST is ultimately the new ruler who will lead the people to GOD. HE will have intimate access to GOD, thus HE will have a priestly ministry, resulting in the nation’s restoration to the spiritual vitality and worship, that GOD had always intended. But before this happens, GOD’s anger will judge evil among the nations.

Luke 19: 28 – 20: 19
Luke 20: 2
By what authority…?
The religious leaders questioned JESUS’ authority to cleanse the temple or to teach the people. They were offended and angered because JESUS condemned the evil practices within GOD’s house, while they themselves tolerated and participated in those practices. Such actions demonstrate how unfit they were to be spiritual leaders. JESUS, as a true spiritual leader, used HIS authority for the sake of truth and righteousness, even though it cost HIM HIS life.

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