The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 20th September 2024


Psalms – 55

Old Testament – 2 Chronicles 26: 1 – 10

New Testament – 2 John: 1 – 3


Psalms – 56

Old Testament – 2 Chronicles 26: 11 – 23

New Testament – 2 John: 4 – 8

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 55 and 56
A song of the distressed…psalm number…?
2 Chronicles 26: 1 – 23
Why was Uzziah struck with leprosy…reference..?
2 John: 1 – 8
Who has the Father and the Son…reference…?

Verses for 20th September 2024


Psalms 55 and 56

Psalms 55: 22
Cast thy burden upon the LORD…
When facing trials too great to bear, GOD invites us to cast our burdens and cares upon HIM. HE then bears the weight and sustains us in every situation.
The HOLY SPIRIT has repeated this invitation throughout redemptive history. JESUS gave this invitation in Matthew 11: 28 – 30. The apostle Peter stated that believers should humble themselves before GOD. Casting all your care upon HIM for HE careth for you. And the apostle Paul exhorted us to bring all our anxieties to GOD in prayer, promising that the peace of GOD will guard our hearts and minds.

2 Chronicles 26: 1 – 23

2 Chronicles 26: 1
(Azariah’s life) is divided into two parts, the years he sought the LORD and the years he was unfaithful to the LORD. The Bible emphasizes that seeking GOD results in blessing and help, whereas failure to seek GOD results in spiritual decline and judgement.

2 John: 1 – 8

2 John: 2 & 3
Grace, mercy and peace, be with you…
The conditions for receiving GOD’s grace, mercy and peace are to guard the truth and to love others. To fail to do either will cause the church to lose GOD’s blessings.

📓 CSI Almanac – 18th October 2024, Friday

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 20th September 2024


Psalms – 55

Old Testament – 2 Chronicles 26: 1 – 10

New Testament – 2 John: 1 – 3


Psalms – 56

Old Testament – 2 Chronicles 26: 11 – 23

New Testament – 2 John: 4 – 8

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 55 and 56
A song of the distressed…psalm number…?
2 Chronicles 26: 1 – 23
Why was Uzziah struck with leprosy…reference..?
2 John: 1 – 8
Who has the Father and the Son…reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 55 and 56

Psalms 55: 22
Cast thy burden upon the LORD…
When facing trials too great to bear, GOD invites us to cast our burdens and cares upon HIM. HE then bears the weight and sustains us in every situation.
The HOLY SPIRIT has repeated this invitation throughout redemptive history. JESUS gave this invitation in Matthew 11: 28 – 30. The apostle Peter stated that believers should humble themselves before GOD. Casting all your care upon HIM for HE careth for you. And the apostle Paul exhorted us to bring all our anxieties to GOD in prayer, promising that the peace of GOD will guard our hearts and minds.

2 Chronicles 26: 1 – 23

2 Chronicles 26: 1
(Azariah’s life) is divided into two parts, the years he sought the LORD and the years he was unfaithful to the LORD. The Bible emphasizes that seeking GOD results in blessing and help, whereas failure to seek GOD results in spiritual decline and judgement.

2 John: 1 – 8

2 John: 2 & 3
Grace, mercy and peace, be with you…
The conditions for receiving GOD’s grace, mercy and peace are to guard the truth and to love others. To fail to do either will cause the church to lose GOD’s blessings.