The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 20th May 2024


Psalms – 55

Old Testament – Numbers 13: 25 – 33

New Testament – Acts 23: 12 – 19


Psalms – 56

Old Testament – Numbers 14: 1 – 10

New Testament – Acts 23: 20 – 24

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 55 and 56
A song for the distressed…Psalm number…?
Numbers 13: 25 – 14: 10
Who gave a positive report about the Promised Land…?
Acts 23: 12 – 24
Who revealed to Paul about the plot…?

Verses for 20th May 2024


Psalms 55 and 56
Psalms 55: 6
O that I had wings like a dove…then would I fly away…
When we are oppressed by evil people or spiritual enemies, or when the troubles of the world bring fear, anguish and overwhelming anxiety, we too often wish to find rest and relief by escaping from our present distress. However, in most cases escape from such situations is not possible. ​
The real solution is found only in seeking refuge in GOD evening, morning and noon and casting our burdens upon the LORD by looking to HIM to sustain us.

Numbers 13: 25 – 14: 10
Numbers 13: 32
An evil report…
The unbelief of the ten spies had two dimensions.

1. GOD’s past faithfulness to His people did not bring these ten men to a loyal relationship with HIM, and

2. They did not trust in GOD and HIS promises concerning their future, their lack of faith stood in marked contrast to that of Caleb and Joshua.

Acts 23: 12 – 24
False religious principles, adopted by carnal men, urge on to such wickedness, as human nature would hardly be supposed capable of. Yet the LORD readily disappoints the best-concerted schemes of iniquity. Paul knew that the Divine providence acts by reasonable and prudent means; and that, if he neglected to use the means in his power, he could not expect GOD’s providence to work on his behalf.

He who will not help himself according to his means and power has neither reason nor revelation to assure him that he shall receive help from GOD. Believing in the LORD, we and ours shall be kept from every evil work and kept to HIS kingdom.
HEAVENLY FATHER, give us by THY HOLY SPIRIT, for CHRIST’s sake, this precious faith.

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 20th May 2024


Psalms – 55

Old Testament – Numbers 13: 25 – 33

New Testament – Acts 23: 12 – 19


Psalms – 56

Old Testament – Numbers 14: 1 – 10

New Testament – Acts 23: 20 – 24

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 55 and 56
A song for the distressed…Psalm number…?
Numbers 13: 25 – 14: 10
Who gave a positive report about the Promised Land…?
Acts 23: 12 – 24
Who revealed to Paul about the plot…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 55 and 56
Psalms 55: 6
O that I had wings like a dove…then would I fly away…
When we are oppressed by evil people or spiritual enemies, or when the troubles of the world bring fear, anguish and overwhelming anxiety, we too often wish to find rest and relief by escaping from our present distress. However, in most cases escape from such situations is not possible. ​
The real solution is found only in seeking refuge in GOD evening, morning and noon and casting our burdens upon the LORD by looking to HIM to sustain us.

Numbers 13: 25 – 14: 10
Numbers 13: 32
An evil report…
The unbelief of the ten spies had two dimensions.

1. GOD’s past faithfulness to His people did not bring these ten men to a loyal relationship with HIM, and

2. They did not trust in GOD and HIS promises concerning their future, their lack of faith stood in marked contrast to that of Caleb and Joshua.

Acts 23: 12 – 24
False religious principles, adopted by carnal men, urge on to such wickedness, as human nature would hardly be supposed capable of. Yet the LORD readily disappoints the best-concerted schemes of iniquity. Paul knew that the Divine providence acts by reasonable and prudent means; and that, if he neglected to use the means in his power, he could not expect GOD’s providence to work on his behalf.

He who will not help himself according to his means and power has neither reason nor revelation to assure him that he shall receive help from GOD. Believing in the LORD, we and ours shall be kept from every evil work and kept to HIS kingdom.
HEAVENLY FATHER, give us by THY HOLY SPIRIT, for CHRIST’s sake, this precious faith.