The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 20th March 2024


Psalms – 55

Old Testament – Jeremiah 27: 1 – 11

New Testament – Luke 17: 20 – 37


Psalms – 56

Old Testament – Jeremiah 27: 12 – 22

New Testament – Luke 18: 1 – 14

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 55 and 56
Familiar verse…?
Jeremiah 27: 1 – 22
Which nation will GOD punish…? Reference…?
Luke 17: 20 – 18: 14
Explain briefly verse 21…?

Verses for 20th March 2024


Psalms 55 and 56
Psalms 55: 6
O that I had wing like a dove… then I would fly away.
When we are oppressed by evil people or spiritual enemies, or when the troubles of the world bring fear, anguish and overwhelming anxiety, we too often wish to find rest and relief by escaping from our present distress. However, in most cases escape from such situations is not possible. The real solution is found only in seeking refuge in GOD. We can do as the psalmist did call upon GOD evening, morning and noon, and cast our burdens upon the LORD by looking to HIM to sustain us.​

Jeremiah 27: 1 – 22
Jeremiah 27: 6
Nebuchadnezzar… my servant.
Nebuchadnezzar is called GOD’s servant, not because he was righteous, but because GOD would use him and his army to punish many nations, including GOD’s nation of Judah for their sins, however, GOD would also overthrow Babylon in HIS own set time.

Luke 17: 20 – 18: 14
Luke 17: 21
The kingdom of GOD is within you.
According to JESUS, the present nature of the kingdom is spiritual, not material or political. The kingdom of GOD cometh not with observation, it does not come as an earthly political power. Instead, it is within the hearts and in the midst of GOD’s people, consisting of righteousness and peace, and joy in the HOLY GHOST. We demonstrate it by conquering, through the power of the SPIRIT, the forces of sin, sickness and satan, not by conquering kings and nations. When JESUS comes to earth a second time, then the kingdom will be seen in its full power and glory, as it triumphs over nations.

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πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 20th March 2024


Psalms – 55

Old Testament – Jeremiah 27: 1 – 11

New Testament – Luke 17: 20 – 37


Psalms – 56

Old Testament – Jeremiah 27: 12 – 22

New Testament – Luke 18: 1 – 14

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 55 and 56
Familiar verse…?
Jeremiah 27: 1 – 22
Which nation will GOD punish…? Reference…?
Luke 17: 20 – 18: 14
Explain briefly verse 21…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 55 and 56
Psalms 55: 6
O that I had wing like a dove… then I would fly away.
When we are oppressed by evil people or spiritual enemies, or when the troubles of the world bring fear, anguish and overwhelming anxiety, we too often wish to find rest and relief by escaping from our present distress. However, in most cases escape from such situations is not possible. The real solution is found only in seeking refuge in GOD. We can do as the psalmist did call upon GOD evening, morning and noon, and cast our burdens upon the LORD by looking to HIM to sustain us.​

Jeremiah 27: 1 – 22
Jeremiah 27: 6
Nebuchadnezzar… my servant.
Nebuchadnezzar is called GOD’s servant, not because he was righteous, but because GOD would use him and his army to punish many nations, including GOD’s nation of Judah for their sins, however, GOD would also overthrow Babylon in HIS own set time.

Luke 17: 20 – 18: 14
Luke 17: 21
The kingdom of GOD is within you.
According to JESUS, the present nature of the kingdom is spiritual, not material or political. The kingdom of GOD cometh not with observation, it does not come as an earthly political power. Instead, it is within the hearts and in the midst of GOD’s people, consisting of righteousness and peace, and joy in the HOLY GHOST. We demonstrate it by conquering, through the power of the SPIRIT, the forces of sin, sickness and satan, not by conquering kings and nations. When JESUS comes to earth a second time, then the kingdom will be seen in its full power and glory, as it triumphs over nations.