The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 20th January 2024


Psalms – 55

Old Testament – Deuteronomy 13: 1 – 11

New Testament – Romans 8: 22 – 27


Psalms – 56

Old Testament – Deuteronomy 13: 12 – 18

New Testament – Romans 8: 28 – 33

Verses for 20th January 2024


Psalms 55 and 56
Psalms 55: 16 – 23
In every trial let us call upon the LORD, and HE will save us.
HE shall hear us, and not blame us for coming too often; the oftener the more welcome. David had thought all were against him; but now he sees there were many with him, more than he supposed; and the glory of this he gives to GOD, for it is he that raises us up friends, and makes them faithful to us. There are more true Christians, and believers have more real friends, than in their gloomy hours they suppose. His enemies should be reckoned with, and brought down; they could not ease themselves of their fears, as David could, by faith in GOD. Mortal men, though ever so high and strong, will easily be crushed by an eternal GOD. Those who are not reclaimed by the rod of affliction will certainly be brought down to the pit of destruction. The burden of afflictions is very heavy, especially when attended with the temptations of Satan; there is also the burden of sin and corruption. The only relief under it is, to look to CHRIST, who bore it. Whatever it is that thou desirest GOD should give thee, leave it to HIM to give it in HIS own way and time. Care is a burden, it makes the heart stoop. We must commit our ways and works to the LORD; let him do as seemeth him good, and let us be satisfied. To cast our burden upon GOD is to rest upon HIS providence and promise. And if we do so, HE will carry us in the arms of HIS power, as a nurse carries a child; and will strengthen our spirits by HIS SPIRIT, so that they shall sustain the trial. HE will never suffer the righteous to be moved; to be so shaken by any troubles, as to quit their duty to GOD, or their comfort in HIM. HE will not suffer them to be utterly cast down. HE, who bore the burden of our sorrows, desires us to leave to HIM to bear the burden of our cares, that, as HE knows what is best for us, HE may provide it accordingly. Why do not we trust CHRIST to govern the world which HE redeemed?

Deuteronomy 13: 1 – 18
Deuteronomy 13: 1 – 5
Moses had cautioned against the peril that might arise from the Canaanites.
Here he cautions against the rise of idolatry among themselves. It is needful for us to be well acquainted with the truths and precepts of the Bible; for we may expect to be proved by temptations of evil under the appearance of good, of error in the guise of truth; nor can anything rightly oppose such temptations, but the plain, express testimony of GOD’s word to the contrary. And it would be a proof of sincere affection for GOD, that, notwithstanding specious pretences, they should not be wrought upon the forsake GOD, and follow other gods to serve them.

Romans 8: 22 – 33
Romans 8: 28
All things work together for good.
This passage greatly encourages the children of GOD when we must endure suffering in this life. GOD will bring good out of all affliction, trials, persecution and suffering, the good that GOD works is conforming us to the image of CHRIST and ultimately bringing about our glorification.​
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity:
Jan 18th to Jan 25th – Prepared by the World Council of Churches for Christian Unity.
The theme of the year 2024:
You shall love the LORD your GOD….. And your neighbour as yourself (Luke 10: 27)
January 20: Day 3
β€œWho is my neighbour” (Luke 10: 29)
LORD, open our hearts to those we do not see.
Scripture Reading:
Romans 13: 8 – 10
Psalm 119: 57 – 63
GOD of love, Who write in our hearts, instil in us the courage to look beyond ourselves and see the neighbour in those different from ourselves, that we may truly follow JESUS CHRIST, our brother and our friend, who is LORD, forever and ever. Amen.

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