The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th July 2024


Psalms – 47 and 48

Old Testament – Judges 20: 1 – 25

New Testament – Titus 2: 2 – 6


Psalms – 49

Old Testament – Judges 20: 26 – 48

New Testament – Titus 2: 7 – 15

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 47 to 49
Overcoming the World and worldliness…Reference…?
Judges 20: 1 – 48
Who enquired before the ark to go to battle against Benjamin? What was the reply…? Reference?
Titus 2: 2 – 15
Second coming…Reference…?

Verses for 17th July 2024


Psalms 47 to 49
Psalms 48: 14
GOD…will be our guide even unto death.
The LORD has committed HIMSELF to be the believers’ faithful and constant guide throughout life, in the experience of death and beyond death to the eternal home where we will be with HIM forever.​

Judges 20: 1 – 48
Judges 20: 1
All the children of Israel went out.
Because the tribes of Israel had failed to enforce GOD’s law or promote righteousness, the result was the horrible sin and refusal of the Benamites to punish the evil doers. Israel as a whole departed from sincere obedience to GOD’s Word, and the Benjamites entered into complete apostasy. Civil war broke out, many thousands were killed and the tribe of Benjamin was almost annihilated.

Titus 2: 2 – 15
Titus 2: 11
The grace of GOD.
Saving grace has appeared to all people everywhere, not just to a select few, and instructs believers to reject ungodly passions, pleasures and values of the present age and regard them as abominable. Commands and empowers believers to live righteously and godly while waiting expectantly for the Blessed hope and appearance of CHRIST JESUS.

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – 18th October 2024, Friday

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th July 2024


Psalms – 47 and 48

Old Testament – Judges 20: 1 – 25

New Testament – Titus 2: 2 – 6


Psalms – 49

Old Testament – Judges 20: 26 – 48

New Testament – Titus 2: 7 – 15

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 47 to 49
Overcoming the World and worldliness…Reference…?
Judges 20: 1 – 48
Who enquired before the ark to go to battle against Benjamin? What was the reply…? Reference?
Titus 2: 2 – 15
Second coming…Reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 47 to 49
Psalms 48: 14
GOD…will be our guide even unto death.
The LORD has committed HIMSELF to be the believers’ faithful and constant guide throughout life, in the experience of death and beyond death to the eternal home where we will be with HIM forever.​

Judges 20: 1 – 48
Judges 20: 1
All the children of Israel went out.
Because the tribes of Israel had failed to enforce GOD’s law or promote righteousness, the result was the horrible sin and refusal of the Benamites to punish the evil doers. Israel as a whole departed from sincere obedience to GOD’s Word, and the Benjamites entered into complete apostasy. Civil war broke out, many thousands were killed and the tribe of Benjamin was almost annihilated.

Titus 2: 2 – 15
Titus 2: 11
The grace of GOD.
Saving grace has appeared to all people everywhere, not just to a select few, and instructs believers to reject ungodly passions, pleasures and values of the present age and regard them as abominable. Commands and empowers believers to live righteously and godly while waiting expectantly for the Blessed hope and appearance of CHRIST JESUS.