The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th September 2024


Psalms – 45

Old Testament – 2 Chronicles 22: 1 – 9

New Testament – 1 John 3: 19 – 24


Psalms – 46

Old Testament – 2 Chronicles 22: 10 – 12

New Testament – 1 John 4: 1 – 6

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 45 and 46
Faith that moves Mountains…Psalm number…?
2 Chronicles 22: 1 – 12
Who rescued Joash…reference..?
1 John 3: 19 – 4: 6
Greater is he that is in you…reference…?

Verses for 16th September 2024


Psalms 45 and 46
Psalms 46: 4
There is a river.
GOD’s river is the continual flow of HIS grace, glory and power in the midst of HIS faithful people. This pure life-giving river flows from GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT, it flows from the throne of GOD and constantly refreshes believers, both those on earth and those in heaven. The most significant blessing of this river is that it brings GOD into the midst of His people. The LORD of hosts is with us.​

2 Chronicles 22: 1 – 12
2 Chronicles 22: 1 – 12
The counsel of the ungodly ruins many young persons’ when they are setting out in the world.
Ahaziah gave himself up to be led by evil men. Those who advise us to do wickedly, counsel us to our destruction; while they pretend to be friends, they are our worst enemies. See and dread the mischief of bad company. If not the infection, yet let the destruction be feared, Revelation 18:4. We have here, a wicked woman endeavouring to destroy the house of David, and a good woman preserving it.
No word of GOD shall fall to the ground. The whole truth of the prophecies that the MESSIAH was to come from David, and thereby the salvation of the world, appeared to be now hung upon the brittle thread of the life of a single infant, to destroy whom was the interest of the reigning power. But GOD had purposed, and vain were the efforts of earth and hell.

1 John 3: 19 – 4: 6
1 John 4: 4
Greater is HE that is in you.
Scripture emphasizes, that the HOLY SPIRIT dwells within the believer. Through the SPIRIT, we can overcome the evil in the world, including sin, satan, temptations, persecution and false teaching, and we can live victoriously according to GOD’s will for our lives in CHRIST.

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – 18th October 2024, Friday

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th September 2024


Psalms – 45

Old Testament – 2 Chronicles 22: 1 – 9

New Testament – 1 John 3: 19 – 24


Psalms – 46

Old Testament – 2 Chronicles 22: 10 – 12

New Testament – 1 John 4: 1 – 6

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 45 and 46
Faith that moves Mountains…Psalm number…?
2 Chronicles 22: 1 – 12
Who rescued Joash…reference..?
1 John 3: 19 – 4: 6
Greater is he that is in you…reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 45 and 46
Psalms 46: 4
There is a river.
GOD’s river is the continual flow of HIS grace, glory and power in the midst of HIS faithful people. This pure life-giving river flows from GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT, it flows from the throne of GOD and constantly refreshes believers, both those on earth and those in heaven. The most significant blessing of this river is that it brings GOD into the midst of His people. The LORD of hosts is with us.​

2 Chronicles 22: 1 – 12
2 Chronicles 22: 1 – 12
The counsel of the ungodly ruins many young persons’ when they are setting out in the world.
Ahaziah gave himself up to be led by evil men. Those who advise us to do wickedly, counsel us to our destruction; while they pretend to be friends, they are our worst enemies. See and dread the mischief of bad company. If not the infection, yet let the destruction be feared, Revelation 18:4. We have here, a wicked woman endeavouring to destroy the house of David, and a good woman preserving it.
No word of GOD shall fall to the ground. The whole truth of the prophecies that the MESSIAH was to come from David, and thereby the salvation of the world, appeared to be now hung upon the brittle thread of the life of a single infant, to destroy whom was the interest of the reigning power. But GOD had purposed, and vain were the efforts of earth and hell.

1 John 3: 19 – 4: 6
1 John 4: 4
Greater is HE that is in you.
Scripture emphasizes, that the HOLY SPIRIT dwells within the believer. Through the SPIRIT, we can overcome the evil in the world, including sin, satan, temptations, persecution and false teaching, and we can live victoriously according to GOD’s will for our lives in CHRIST.