The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 13th June 2024


Psalms – 105: 23 – 45

Old Testament – Numbers 28: 16 – 31

New Testament – 2 Peter 2: 4 – 10


Psalms – 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48

Old Testament – Numbers 29: 1 – 16

New Testament – 2 Peter 2: 11 – 17

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 105: 23 – 45 and 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48
Explain briefly 106: 15…?
Numbers 28: 16 – 29: 16
When is no servile work done…?
Peter 2: 4 – 17
Whom does GOD deliver…out of temptations? Reference…?

Verses for 13th June 2024


Psalms 105: 23 – 45 and 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48
Psalms 106: 15
But sent leanness unto their soul…
We must beware of desiring and pursuing what is not in the will of GOD. When we insist on satisfying our selfish desires, GOD sometimes lets us have our own way, but with it comes spiritual leanness or physical calamity. GOD may allow us to pursuethings contrary t o HIS revealed will, such as an unholy vocational ambition, an unholy live affair, worldly pleasures, covetous desires or ungodly fellowship with unbelievers, but in the end those things have destructive consequences.​

Numbers 28: 16 – 29: 16
Numbers 28: 16 – 31
By the sacrifices enjoined in this chapter, we are reminded of the continued power of the sacrifice of CHRIST, and of our continual need to depend thereon.

No hurrying employments, or perilous situations, or prosperous circumstances, should cause slackness in our religious exercises; but should rather stir us up to greater diligence in seeking help from, or giving thanks to the LORD. And all is to be accompanied with repentance, faith in the LORD JESUS, and love to HIM, and to produce true holiness in our conduct towards all men; otherwise GOD will abhor our most solemn services and abundant devotions. And CHRIST is able to supply the wants of every day, every week, every month, every year, every ordinance, and every case.

2 Peter 2: 4 – 17
2 Peter 2: 8
Vexed his righteous soul…
An essential characteristics of truly righteous people is that they love righteousness and hate wickedness. Their souls are distressed and tormented by the sin, immorality and ungodliness in the world.

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – 18th October 2024, Friday

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th October 2024

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πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 13th June 2024


Psalms – 105: 23 – 45

Old Testament – Numbers 28: 16 – 31

New Testament – 2 Peter 2: 4 – 10


Psalms – 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48

Old Testament – Numbers 29: 1 – 16

New Testament – 2 Peter 2: 11 – 17

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 105: 23 – 45 and 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48
Explain briefly 106: 15…?
Numbers 28: 16 – 29: 16
When is no servile work done…?
Peter 2: 4 – 17
Whom does GOD deliver…out of temptations? Reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 105: 23 – 45 and 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48
Psalms 106: 15
But sent leanness unto their soul…
We must beware of desiring and pursuing what is not in the will of GOD. When we insist on satisfying our selfish desires, GOD sometimes lets us have our own way, but with it comes spiritual leanness or physical calamity. GOD may allow us to pursuethings contrary t o HIS revealed will, such as an unholy vocational ambition, an unholy live affair, worldly pleasures, covetous desires or ungodly fellowship with unbelievers, but in the end those things have destructive consequences.​

Numbers 28: 16 – 29: 16
Numbers 28: 16 – 31
By the sacrifices enjoined in this chapter, we are reminded of the continued power of the sacrifice of CHRIST, and of our continual need to depend thereon.

No hurrying employments, or perilous situations, or prosperous circumstances, should cause slackness in our religious exercises; but should rather stir us up to greater diligence in seeking help from, or giving thanks to the LORD. And all is to be accompanied with repentance, faith in the LORD JESUS, and love to HIM, and to produce true holiness in our conduct towards all men; otherwise GOD will abhor our most solemn services and abundant devotions. And CHRIST is able to supply the wants of every day, every week, every month, every year, every ordinance, and every case.

2 Peter 2: 4 – 17
2 Peter 2: 8
Vexed his righteous soul…
An essential characteristics of truly righteous people is that they love righteousness and hate wickedness. Their souls are distressed and tormented by the sin, immorality and ungodliness in the world.