The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 13th August 2024


Psalms – 105: 23 – 45

Old Testament – 1 Chronicles 21: 1 – 14

New Testament – John 10: 11 – 21


Psalms – 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48

Old Testament – 1 Chronicles 21: 15 – 30

New Testament – John 10: 22 – 30

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 105: 23 – 45 and Psalms 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48
GOD’s mercy to Israel… Psalm number…?
1 Chronicles 21: 1 – 30
Who provoked David to number…? Reference..?
John 10: 11 – 30
Who shall never perish…reference…?

Verses for 13th August 2024


Psalms 105: 23 – 45 and Psalms 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48
Psalms 105: 24 – 45
As the believer commonly thrives best in his soul when under the cross; so the church also flourishes most in true holiness, and increases in number, while under persecution. Yet instruments shall be raised up for their deliverance, and plagues may be expected by persecutors. And see the special care GOD took of his people in the wilderness. All the benefits bestowed on Israel as a nation were shadows of spiritual blessings with which we are blessed in CHRIST JESUS. Having redeemed us with HIS blood, restored our souls to holiness, and set us at liberty from Satan’s bondage, HE guides and guards us all the way. HE satisfies our souls with the bread ​ of heaven, and the water of life from the Rock of salvation, and will bring us safely to heaven. HE redeems his servants from all iniquity, and purifies them unto HIMSELF, to be a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

1 Chronicles 21: 1 – 30
1 Chronicles 21: 7
GOD…smote Israel.
It is likely that the people of Israel were in sympathy with David’s sinful desire to number the people. Joab himself knew that numbering the people was a great sin that would bring guilt upon all of Israel. Presumably, therefore, a majority of people favour the numbering of Israel through their Spirit of national pride. They participated in David’s sin and became subject to judgment.

John 10: 11 – 30
John 10: 28
They will never perish.
Here is a precious promise given to all who are CHRIST’s sheep. They will never be banished from GOD’s love or presence, nor will any power or circumstances on earth take them from the shepherd. There is indeed safety and security for even the weakest sheep who follow and listen to the good shepherd.

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – 18th October 2024, Friday

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 13th August 2024


Psalms – 105: 23 – 45

Old Testament – 1 Chronicles 21: 1 – 14

New Testament – John 10: 11 – 21


Psalms – 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48

Old Testament – 1 Chronicles 21: 15 – 30

New Testament – John 10: 22 – 30

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 105: 23 – 45 and Psalms 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48
GOD’s mercy to Israel… Psalm number…?
1 Chronicles 21: 1 – 30
Who provoked David to number…? Reference..?
John 10: 11 – 30
Who shall never perish…reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 105: 23 – 45 and Psalms 106: 1 – 18 & 42 – 48
Psalms 105: 24 – 45
As the believer commonly thrives best in his soul when under the cross; so the church also flourishes most in true holiness, and increases in number, while under persecution. Yet instruments shall be raised up for their deliverance, and plagues may be expected by persecutors. And see the special care GOD took of his people in the wilderness. All the benefits bestowed on Israel as a nation were shadows of spiritual blessings with which we are blessed in CHRIST JESUS. Having redeemed us with HIS blood, restored our souls to holiness, and set us at liberty from Satan’s bondage, HE guides and guards us all the way. HE satisfies our souls with the bread ​ of heaven, and the water of life from the Rock of salvation, and will bring us safely to heaven. HE redeems his servants from all iniquity, and purifies them unto HIMSELF, to be a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

1 Chronicles 21: 1 – 30
1 Chronicles 21: 7
GOD…smote Israel.
It is likely that the people of Israel were in sympathy with David’s sinful desire to number the people. Joab himself knew that numbering the people was a great sin that would bring guilt upon all of Israel. Presumably, therefore, a majority of people favour the numbering of Israel through their Spirit of national pride. They participated in David’s sin and became subject to judgment.

John 10: 11 – 30
John 10: 28
They will never perish.
Here is a precious promise given to all who are CHRIST’s sheep. They will never be banished from GOD’s love or presence, nor will any power or circumstances on earth take them from the shepherd. There is indeed safety and security for even the weakest sheep who follow and listen to the good shepherd.