The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th July 2024


Psalms – 34

Old Testament – Judges 14: 10 – 20

New Testament – 2 Timothy 2: 14 – 21


Psalms – 35

Old Testament – Judges 15: 1 – 20

New Testament – 2 Timothy 2: 22 – 26

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 34 and 35
Familiar Hymn based on one of the Psalms…?
Judges 14: 10 – 15: 20
How many years did Samson judge Israel…Reference…?
2 Timothy 2: 14 – 26
How must the servant of GOD conduct themselves…Reference…?

Verses for 11th July 2024


Psalms 34 and 35
Psalms 34: 7
The angel of the LORD encampeth round about.
The angel of the LORD refers to the angelic host of heaven, they are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation. GOD has appointed His angels to protect and rescue His saints from physical and spiritual harm. This promise of divine intervention is reserved for those who truly fear GOD.​

Judges 14: 10 – 15: 20
Judges 15: 7
Yet will I be avenged of you.
Samson’s fight with the Philistines was primarily motivated by personal anger and revenge rather than by concern for GOD’s deliverance of the Hebrew people. This selfishness and lack of commitment to GOD eventually led to his ruin.

2 Timothy 2: 14 – 26
2 Timothy 2: 19
Foundations of GOD standeth sure.
Despite the fact that many may stray from the truth and false teachers may make inroads into the church, the purpose of GOD for His faithful followers cannot be thwarted. TheΒ foundation of GOD the true church cannot be destroyed. GOD knows those who remain true to HIS original gospel, and those who compromise its truths. Those who truly belong to GOD turn away from wickedness and false teaching.

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πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th July 2024


Psalms – 34

Old Testament – Judges 14: 10 – 20

New Testament – 2 Timothy 2: 14 – 21


Psalms – 35

Old Testament – Judges 15: 1 – 20

New Testament – 2 Timothy 2: 22 – 26

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 34 and 35
Familiar Hymn based on one of the Psalms…?
Judges 14: 10 – 15: 20
How many years did Samson judge Israel…Reference…?
2 Timothy 2: 14 – 26
How must the servant of GOD conduct themselves…Reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 34 and 35
Psalms 34: 7
The angel of the LORD encampeth round about.
The angel of the LORD refers to the angelic host of heaven, they are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation. GOD has appointed His angels to protect and rescue His saints from physical and spiritual harm. This promise of divine intervention is reserved for those who truly fear GOD.​

Judges 14: 10 – 15: 20
Judges 15: 7
Yet will I be avenged of you.
Samson’s fight with the Philistines was primarily motivated by personal anger and revenge rather than by concern for GOD’s deliverance of the Hebrew people. This selfishness and lack of commitment to GOD eventually led to his ruin.

2 Timothy 2: 14 – 26
2 Timothy 2: 19
Foundations of GOD standeth sure.
Despite the fact that many may stray from the truth and false teachers may make inroads into the church, the purpose of GOD for His faithful followers cannot be thwarted. TheΒ foundation of GOD the true church cannot be destroyed. GOD knows those who remain true to HIS original gospel, and those who compromise its truths. Those who truly belong to GOD turn away from wickedness and false teaching.