The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 8th September 2023


Psalms– 25 and 26

Old Testament– 1 Kings 20: 13 – 22

New Testament– Mark 5: 1 – 20


Psalms– 27 and 28

Old Testament– 1 Kings 20: 23 – 32

New Testament– Mark 5: 21 – 34

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 25 to 28
1) Salvation….reference?
1 Kings 20: 13 – 32
2) What did the prophet say to King Ahab… reference..?
Mark 5: 1 – 34
3) What did JESUS say to the woman who was healed…reference…?

Verses for 8th September 2023


Psalms 25 to 28

Psalms 25: 12
Him shall HE teach.

The main theme of this psalm is how GOD in HIS wisdom guides the faithful believer. GOD’s plans can be communicated to us by extraordinary means, such as dreams visions and prophecy, through Holy Scriptures and through the HOLY SPIRIT dwelling in our hearts.

1 Kings 20: 13 – 32

1 Kings 20: 22 – 30
Those about Benhadad advised him to change his ground.

They take it for granted that it was not Israel, but Israel’s gods, that beat them; but they speak very ignorantly of JEHOVAH. They supposed that Israel had many gods, to whom they ascribed limited power within a certain district; thus vain were the Gentiles in their imaginations concerning GOD. The greatest wisdom in worldly concerns is often united with the most contemptible folly in the things of GOD.

Mark 5: 1 – 34

Mark 5: 28
Touch….but…..HIS clothes.

The Gospels often speak of the sick touching the sick. It was the contact and presence of JESUS that mattered. HIS touch has healing power because HE sympathizes with our weaknesses and is the source of life and grace. Our responsibility in seeking healing is to draw near to JESUS and to live in HIS presence.

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CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 8th September 2023


Psalms– 25 and 26

Old Testament– 1 Kings 20: 13 – 22

New Testament– Mark 5: 1 – 20


Psalms– 27 and 28

Old Testament– 1 Kings 20: 23 – 32

New Testament– Mark 5: 21 – 34

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 25 to 28
1) Salvation….reference?
1 Kings 20: 13 – 32
2) What did the prophet say to King Ahab… reference..?
Mark 5: 1 – 34
3) What did JESUS say to the woman who was healed…reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 25 to 28

Psalms 25: 12
Him shall HE teach.

The main theme of this psalm is how GOD in HIS wisdom guides the faithful believer. GOD’s plans can be communicated to us by extraordinary means, such as dreams visions and prophecy, through Holy Scriptures and through the HOLY SPIRIT dwelling in our hearts.

1 Kings 20: 13 – 32

1 Kings 20: 22 – 30
Those about Benhadad advised him to change his ground.

They take it for granted that it was not Israel, but Israel’s gods, that beat them; but they speak very ignorantly of JEHOVAH. They supposed that Israel had many gods, to whom they ascribed limited power within a certain district; thus vain were the Gentiles in their imaginations concerning GOD. The greatest wisdom in worldly concerns is often united with the most contemptible folly in the things of GOD.

Mark 5: 1 – 34

Mark 5: 28
Touch….but…..HIS clothes.

The Gospels often speak of the sick touching the sick. It was the contact and presence of JESUS that mattered. HIS touch has healing power because HE sympathizes with our weaknesses and is the source of life and grace. Our responsibility in seeking healing is to draw near to JESUS and to live in HIS presence.