The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 2nd September 2023


Psalms– 8 and 9

Old Testament– 1 Kings 16: 15 – 22

New Testament– Mark 2: 23 – 38


Psalms– 6 and 7

Old Testament– 1 Kings 16: 23 – 34

New Testament– Mark 3: 1 – 6

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 6 to 9
1) Reference of healing…
1 Kings 16: 15 – 34
2) Why was the LORD provoked to anger by Ahab..?
Mark 2: 23 – 3: 6
3) Why did JESUS look with anger…?

Verses for 2nd September 2023


Psalms 6 to 9

Psalms 6: 2
O LORD Heal me…

During a time of physical affliction and divine chastisement, which he deserves, the psalmist has list his sense of the presence of GOD and spiritual peace. He has suffered for a long time and is in intense grief. His prayer is not so much that GOD will remove all rebuke from him as it is that GOD’S chastening might be mingled with mercy and not be so severe that he dies.

1 Kings 16: 15 – 34

1 Kings 16: 30

Sin and evil became progressively worse in Israel during the reign of King Ahab Jezebel, Ahab’s wife, led the way in witchcraft and idolatry so that rebellion and hardness of heart against GOD prevailed in Israel. In the face of such apostasy, GOD sent the mighty prophet Elijah to oppose the corrupt religious system and to proclaim GOD’s purpose for HIS kingdom.

Mark 2: 23 – 3: 6

Mark 3: 5
Looked…with anger.

The anger of JESUS indicates HIS hatred and disapproval of all unrighteousness and injustice. Though Christians must resist unrighteous anger it is thoroughly CHRIST like to be angry at evil. Indignation at the sins of one’s generation is evidence if believers placing themselves on GOD’s side against evil.

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CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 2nd September 2023


Psalms– 8 and 9

Old Testament– 1 Kings 16: 15 – 22

New Testament– Mark 2: 23 – 38


Psalms– 6 and 7

Old Testament– 1 Kings 16: 23 – 34

New Testament– Mark 3: 1 – 6

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 6 to 9
1) Reference of healing…
1 Kings 16: 15 – 34
2) Why was the LORD provoked to anger by Ahab..?
Mark 2: 23 – 3: 6
3) Why did JESUS look with anger…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 6 to 9

Psalms 6: 2
O LORD Heal me…

During a time of physical affliction and divine chastisement, which he deserves, the psalmist has list his sense of the presence of GOD and spiritual peace. He has suffered for a long time and is in intense grief. His prayer is not so much that GOD will remove all rebuke from him as it is that GOD’S chastening might be mingled with mercy and not be so severe that he dies.

1 Kings 16: 15 – 34

1 Kings 16: 30

Sin and evil became progressively worse in Israel during the reign of King Ahab Jezebel, Ahab’s wife, led the way in witchcraft and idolatry so that rebellion and hardness of heart against GOD prevailed in Israel. In the face of such apostasy, GOD sent the mighty prophet Elijah to oppose the corrupt religious system and to proclaim GOD’s purpose for HIS kingdom.

Mark 2: 23 – 3: 6

Mark 3: 5
Looked…with anger.

The anger of JESUS indicates HIS hatred and disapproval of all unrighteousness and injustice. Though Christians must resist unrighteous anger it is thoroughly CHRIST like to be angry at evil. Indignation at the sins of one’s generation is evidence if believers placing themselves on GOD’s side against evil.