The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 29th August 2024


Psalms 145

Old Testament 2 Chronicles 6: 22 – 31

New Testament John 16: 18 – 24


Psalms 146

Old Testament 2 Chronicles 6: 32 – 42

New Testament John 16: 25 – 33

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 145 and 146
Praise for GOD’s help and care…Psalm number…?
2 Chronicles 6: 22 – 42
Solomon’s prayer and supplications are mainly for what purpose..?
John 16: 18 – 33
Overcoming the world and worldliness…reference…?

Verses for 29th August 2024


Psalms 145 and 146
Psalms 145: 2
Every day will I Bless thee.
No day should pass without praising and thanking GOD for HIS blessings and gifts to us. HE is our Maker, Redeemer and Provider.

2 Chronicles 6: 22 – 42
2 Chronicles 6: 22 – 42
Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the temple.
The order of Solomon’s prayer is to be observed. First and chiefly, he prays for repentance and forgiveness, which is the chief blessing, and the only solid foundation of other mercies: he then prays for temporal mercies; thereby teaching us what things to mind and desire most in our prayers. This also CHRIST hath taught us in his perfect pattern and form of prayer, where there is but one prayer for outward, and all the rest are for spiritual blessings. The temple typified the human nature of CHRIST, in whom dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. The ark typified his obedience and sufferings, by which repenting sinners have access to a reconciled GOD, and communion with HIM. Jehovah has made our nature his resting-place for ever, in the person of Emmanuel, and through HIM he dwells with, and delights in his church of redeemed sinners. May our hearts become His resting- place; may CHRIST dwell therein by faith, consecrating them as His temples, and shedding abroad His love therein. May the FATHER look upon us in and through His Anointed; and may He remember and bless us in all things, according to His mercy to sinners, in and through CHRIST.

John 16: 18 – 33
John 16: 27
The FATHER himself loveth you.
The FATHER loves all people. But it is also true that HE has a special family love for those who through JESUS are reconciled to HIM, love HIM and remain loyal to HIM even while enduring trouble in this world. Our affection for JESUS brings forth the FATHER’s affection for us.
Love responds to love.

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πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 29th August 2024


Psalms 145

Old Testament 2 Chronicles 6: 22 – 31

New Testament John 16: 18 – 24


Psalms 146

Old Testament 2 Chronicles 6: 32 – 42

New Testament John 16: 25 – 33

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 145 and 146
Praise for GOD’s help and care…Psalm number…?
2 Chronicles 6: 22 – 42
Solomon’s prayer and supplications are mainly for what purpose..?
John 16: 18 – 33
Overcoming the world and worldliness…reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 145 and 146
Psalms 145: 2
Every day will I Bless thee.
No day should pass without praising and thanking GOD for HIS blessings and gifts to us. HE is our Maker, Redeemer and Provider.

2 Chronicles 6: 22 – 42
2 Chronicles 6: 22 – 42
Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the temple.
The order of Solomon’s prayer is to be observed. First and chiefly, he prays for repentance and forgiveness, which is the chief blessing, and the only solid foundation of other mercies: he then prays for temporal mercies; thereby teaching us what things to mind and desire most in our prayers. This also CHRIST hath taught us in his perfect pattern and form of prayer, where there is but one prayer for outward, and all the rest are for spiritual blessings. The temple typified the human nature of CHRIST, in whom dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. The ark typified his obedience and sufferings, by which repenting sinners have access to a reconciled GOD, and communion with HIM. Jehovah has made our nature his resting-place for ever, in the person of Emmanuel, and through HIM he dwells with, and delights in his church of redeemed sinners. May our hearts become His resting- place; may CHRIST dwell therein by faith, consecrating them as His temples, and shedding abroad His love therein. May the FATHER look upon us in and through His Anointed; and may He remember and bless us in all things, according to His mercy to sinners, in and through CHRIST.

John 16: 18 – 33
John 16: 27
The FATHER himself loveth you.
The FATHER loves all people. But it is also true that HE has a special family love for those who through JESUS are reconciled to HIM, love HIM and remain loyal to HIM even while enduring trouble in this world. Our affection for JESUS brings forth the FATHER’s affection for us.
Love responds to love.