The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 5th August 2024


Psalms – 89: 1 – 18

Old Testament – 1 Chronicles 12: 1 – 22

New Testament – John 6: 60 – 71


Psalms – 89: 19 – 52

Old Testament – 1 Chronicles 12: 23 – 40

New Testament – John 7: 1 – 13

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 89
Title of the psalm…?
1 Chronicles 12: 1 – 40
HOLY SPIRIT…reference..?
John 6: 60 – 7: 13
Why does the world hate JESUS…Reference…?

Verses for 5th August 2024


Psalms 89: 1 – 52
Psalms 89: 30
If his children forsake my law.
GOD’s promises in verses 30–37 did not ensure the reign of David’s descendants as king forever, nor do they address the issue of the personal Salvation of these kings. Rather, the promises were given to David to assure him that the unfaithfulness of Israel and her kings would not interfere with GOD’s purpose to establish one of his descendants I.e. JESUS upon an everlasting throne.​

1 Chronicles 12: 1 – 40
1 Chronicles 12: 18
The SPIRIT came upon Amasai.
Under the old covenant, the HOLY SPIRIT equipped certain persons with power and ability to do tasks to which GOD had called them. In Amasai’s case, it was the gift of prophetic inspiration. Under the new covenant, JESUS promised that all His followers would receive power, and after that the HOLY GHOST is come upon them.

John 6: 60 – 7: 13
John 7: 7
The world…hateth.
JESUS was hated by the world because HE proclaimed that what all people separated from GOD do is evil. Throughout HIS ministry JESUS faithfully denounced injustice cruelty and immorality. This unfailing, for the right testimony to human sinfulness contradicts those ministers who self-righteously claim to reach a positive gospel stripped of the prophetic demand for repentance and righteousness.

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – 18th October 2024, Friday

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 5th August 2024


Psalms – 89: 1 – 18

Old Testament – 1 Chronicles 12: 1 – 22

New Testament – John 6: 60 – 71


Psalms – 89: 19 – 52

Old Testament – 1 Chronicles 12: 23 – 40

New Testament – John 7: 1 – 13

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 89
Title of the psalm…?
1 Chronicles 12: 1 – 40
HOLY SPIRIT…reference..?
John 6: 60 – 7: 13
Why does the world hate JESUS…Reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 89: 1 – 52
Psalms 89: 30
If his children forsake my law.
GOD’s promises in verses 30–37 did not ensure the reign of David’s descendants as king forever, nor do they address the issue of the personal Salvation of these kings. Rather, the promises were given to David to assure him that the unfaithfulness of Israel and her kings would not interfere with GOD’s purpose to establish one of his descendants I.e. JESUS upon an everlasting throne.​

1 Chronicles 12: 1 – 40
1 Chronicles 12: 18
The SPIRIT came upon Amasai.
Under the old covenant, the HOLY SPIRIT equipped certain persons with power and ability to do tasks to which GOD had called them. In Amasai’s case, it was the gift of prophetic inspiration. Under the new covenant, JESUS promised that all His followers would receive power, and after that the HOLY GHOST is come upon them.

John 6: 60 – 7: 13
John 7: 7
The world…hateth.
JESUS was hated by the world because HE proclaimed that what all people separated from GOD do is evil. Throughout HIS ministry JESUS faithfully denounced injustice cruelty and immorality. This unfailing, for the right testimony to human sinfulness contradicts those ministers who self-righteously claim to reach a positive gospel stripped of the prophetic demand for repentance and righteousness.