The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th June 2024


Psalms – 107: 23 – 43

Old Testament – Numbers 30: 1 – 16

New Testament – 2 Peter 3: 8 – 13


Psalms – 108

Old Testament – Numbers 31: 1 – 13

New Testament – 2 Peter 3: 14 – 18

Verses for 15th June 2024


Psalms 107: 23 – 43 and 108
Psalms 108
We may usefully select passages from different psalms, as here, Psalm 57, to help our devotions, and enliven our gratitude. When the heart is firm in faith and love, the tongue, being employed in grateful praises, is our glory. Every gift of the LORD honours and profits the possessor, as it is employed in GOD’s service and to HIS glory. Believers may pray with assured faith and hope, for all the blessings of salvation; which are secured to them by the faithful promise and covenant of GOD. Then let them expect from HIM help in every trouble and victory in every conflict. Whatever we do, whatever we gain, GOD must have all the glory. LORD, visit all our souls with this salvation, with this favour which thou bearest to thy chosen people.

Numbers 30: 1 – 31: 13
Numbers 30: 2​
A vow is a vow…
This chapter makes it clear that GOD required His people to keep their promises to HIM and to others. Through these laws, HE impressed on them the serious nature of any vows and pledges made, and HE emphasized that insincerity, lying and hypocrisy had no place among GOD’s people. However, special provisions were made concerning rash vows of youth and vows that affected the relationship between husband and wife or father and daughter.

2 Peter 3: 8 – 18
2 Peter 3: 9
Not willing that any should perish.
The delay of CHRIST’s return is related to the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom to the whole world. GOD wants everyone to hear the gospel and does not desire anyone to perish eternally. This truth does not mean that all will be saved, all those who reject GOD’s grace and salvation will sadly be lost eternally.

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