The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th June 2024


Psalms – 106: 19 – 48

Old Testament – Numbers 29: 17 – 28

New Testament – 2 Peter 2: 18 – 22


Psalms – 107: 1 – 22

Old Testament – Numbers 29: 29 – 40

New Testament – 2 Peter 3: 1 – 7

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 106: 19 – 48 and 107: 1 – 22
The LORD’s goodness to men…Psalm number..? Reference…?
Numbers 29: 17 – 40
Feast of ________ offerings. (Fill in the blank)
2 Peter 2: 18 – 3: 7
Who promises liberty…reference…?

Verses for 14th June 2024


Psalms 106: 19 – 48 and 107: 1 – 22
Psalms 107
The psalmist, having in the two foregoing psalms celebrated the wisdom, power, and goodness of GOD, in his dealings with his church in particular, here observes some of the instances of his providential care of the children of men in general, especially in their distresses; for he is not only King of saints, but King of nations, not only the GOD of Israel, but the GOD of the whole earth, and a common Father to all mankind. Though this may especially refer to Israelites in their personal capacity, yet there were those who pertained not to the commonwealth of Israel and yet were ​ worshippers of the true GOD, and even those who worshipped images had some knowledge of a supreme “Numen,” to whom, when they were in earnest, they looked above all their false gods.
And of these, when they prayed in their distresses, GOD took a particular care, I. The psalmist specifies some of the most common calamities of human life and shows how GOD succours those that labour under them, in answer to their prayers.
1) Banishment and dispersion (verses 2–9).
2) Captivity and imprisonment (verses 10–16).
3) Sickness and distemper of body (verses 17–22).
4) Danger and distress at sea (verses 23–32).
These are put for all similar perils, in which those that cry unto GOD have ever found HIM a very present help.
II. He specifies the varieties and vicissitudes of events concerning nations and families, in all which GOD’s hand is to be eyed by his own people, with joyful acknowledgements of HIS goodness (verses 33–43).
When we are in any of these or the like distresses it will be comfortable to sing this psalm, with the application; but, if we are not, others are, and have been, of whose deliverances it becomes us to give GOD the glory, for we are members one of another.

Numbers 29: 17 – 40
Soon after the Day of Atonement, the day in which men were to afflict their souls, followed the feast of Tabernacles, in which they were to rejoice before the LORD. Their days of rejoicing were to be days of sacrifices. A disposition to be cheerful does us good, when it encourages our hearts in the duties of GOD’s service. All the days of dwelling in booths they must offer sacrifices; while we are here in a tabernacle state, it is our interest, as well as our duty, constantly to keep up communion with GOD. The sacrifices for each of the seven days are appointed. Every day there must be a sin-offering, as in the other feasts. Our burnt-offerings of praise cannot be accepted of GOD unless we have an interest in the great sacrifice which CHRIST offered when HE made himself a Sin-offering for us. And no ​extraordinary services should put aside stated devotions. Everything here reminds us of our sinfulness. The life that we live in the flesh must be by the faith of the SON of GOD; until we go to be with HIM, to behold His glory, and praise His mercy, who hath loved us and washed us from our sins in HIS own blood. To whom be honour and glory forever. Amen.

2 Peter 2: 18 – 3: 7
2 Peter 3: 7
Reserved unto fire.
Because sin has contaminated the heavens and earth. GOD has determined to destroy them by fire. This day will come as surely as the flood did in Noah’s time. GOD’s intervention to purify the earth by fire signifies that HE will not allow sin to go unpublished forever.

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – 18th October 2024, Friday

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th June 2024


Psalms – 106: 19 – 48

Old Testament – Numbers 29: 17 – 28

New Testament – 2 Peter 2: 18 – 22


Psalms – 107: 1 – 22

Old Testament – Numbers 29: 29 – 40

New Testament – 2 Peter 3: 1 – 7

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 106: 19 – 48 and 107: 1 – 22
The LORD’s goodness to men…Psalm number..? Reference…?
Numbers 29: 17 – 40
Feast of ________ offerings. (Fill in the blank)
2 Peter 2: 18 – 3: 7
Who promises liberty…reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 106: 19 – 48 and 107: 1 – 22
Psalms 107
The psalmist, having in the two foregoing psalms celebrated the wisdom, power, and goodness of GOD, in his dealings with his church in particular, here observes some of the instances of his providential care of the children of men in general, especially in their distresses; for he is not only King of saints, but King of nations, not only the GOD of Israel, but the GOD of the whole earth, and a common Father to all mankind. Though this may especially refer to Israelites in their personal capacity, yet there were those who pertained not to the commonwealth of Israel and yet were ​ worshippers of the true GOD, and even those who worshipped images had some knowledge of a supreme “Numen,” to whom, when they were in earnest, they looked above all their false gods.
And of these, when they prayed in their distresses, GOD took a particular care, I. The psalmist specifies some of the most common calamities of human life and shows how GOD succours those that labour under them, in answer to their prayers.
1) Banishment and dispersion (verses 2–9).
2) Captivity and imprisonment (verses 10–16).
3) Sickness and distemper of body (verses 17–22).
4) Danger and distress at sea (verses 23–32).
These are put for all similar perils, in which those that cry unto GOD have ever found HIM a very present help.
II. He specifies the varieties and vicissitudes of events concerning nations and families, in all which GOD’s hand is to be eyed by his own people, with joyful acknowledgements of HIS goodness (verses 33–43).
When we are in any of these or the like distresses it will be comfortable to sing this psalm, with the application; but, if we are not, others are, and have been, of whose deliverances it becomes us to give GOD the glory, for we are members one of another.

Numbers 29: 17 – 40
Soon after the Day of Atonement, the day in which men were to afflict their souls, followed the feast of Tabernacles, in which they were to rejoice before the LORD. Their days of rejoicing were to be days of sacrifices. A disposition to be cheerful does us good, when it encourages our hearts in the duties of GOD’s service. All the days of dwelling in booths they must offer sacrifices; while we are here in a tabernacle state, it is our interest, as well as our duty, constantly to keep up communion with GOD. The sacrifices for each of the seven days are appointed. Every day there must be a sin-offering, as in the other feasts. Our burnt-offerings of praise cannot be accepted of GOD unless we have an interest in the great sacrifice which CHRIST offered when HE made himself a Sin-offering for us. And no ​extraordinary services should put aside stated devotions. Everything here reminds us of our sinfulness. The life that we live in the flesh must be by the faith of the SON of GOD; until we go to be with HIM, to behold His glory, and praise His mercy, who hath loved us and washed us from our sins in HIS own blood. To whom be honour and glory forever. Amen.

2 Peter 2: 18 – 3: 7
2 Peter 3: 7
Reserved unto fire.
Because sin has contaminated the heavens and earth. GOD has determined to destroy them by fire. This day will come as surely as the flood did in Noah’s time. GOD’s intervention to purify the earth by fire signifies that HE will not allow sin to go unpublished forever.