The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 29th May 2024


Psalms – 76

Old Testament – Numbers 19: 1 – 10

New Testament – Acts 27: 37 – 44


Psalms – 77

Old Testament – Numbers 19: 11 – 22

New Testament – Acts 28: 1 – 10

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 76 and 77
The victorious power of GOD…Psalm number…?
Numbers 19: 1 – 22
What was the purpose of red heifer…sacrifice…?
Acts 27: 37 – 28: 10
Who was healed by Paul’s prayers…reference…?

Verses for 29th May 2024


Psalms 76 and 77
Psalms 76: 10
The wrath of man shall praise THEE.
GOD’s wrath expressed in judgment against oppressors of His people brings HIM praise from those who have been delivered. The wrath of the wicked can provide the occasion for GOD to rescue His own and to accomplish great things on their behalf example Pharaoh’s wrath against Israel became GOD’s opportunity to demonstrate HIS miraculous power in delivering them from Egypt.​

Numbers 19: 1 – 22
Numbers 19: 2
Red heifer…
The sacrifice of the red heifer provided for the cleansing of anyone who was ritually unclean or defiled and therefore unable to draw near to GOD in worship. A red heifer without defect was killed and burnt outside the camp. The ashes were kept, mixed with water and applied to those who were defiled. This purification rite cleansed that person, allowing him or her to approach GOD once again.

The book of Hebrews contrasts the cleansing effect of CHRIST’s blood to that of the ashes of the red heifer.

Acts 27: 37 – 28: 10
Acts 27: 30 – 38
GOD, who appointed the end, that they should be saved.
Appointed the means that they should be saved by the help of these shipmen. Duty is ours, events are GOD’s; we do not trust GOD, but tempt HIM, when we say we put ourselves under HIS protection, if we do not use proper means, such as are within our power, for our safety. But how selfish are men in general, often even ready to seek their own safety by the destruction of others!

Happy those who have such a one as Paul in their company, who not only had intercourse with Heaven but was of an enlivening spirit to those about HIM. The sorrow of the world works death, while joy in GOD is life and peace in the greatest distresses and dangers. The comfort of GOD’s promises can only be ours by believing dependence on HIM, to fulfil HIS Word to us; and the salvation HE reveals must be waited for in use of the means HE appoints. If GOD has chosen us for salvation, HE has also appointed that we shall obtain it by repentance, faith, prayer, and persevering obedience; it is fatal presumption to expect it in any other way. It is an encouragement to people to commit themselves to CHRIST as their SAVIOUR, when those who invite them, clearly show that they do so themselves.

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – 18th October 2024, Friday

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 17th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 29th May 2024


Psalms – 76

Old Testament – Numbers 19: 1 – 10

New Testament – Acts 27: 37 – 44


Psalms – 77

Old Testament – Numbers 19: 11 – 22

New Testament – Acts 28: 1 – 10

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 76 and 77
The victorious power of GOD…Psalm number…?
Numbers 19: 1 – 22
What was the purpose of red heifer…sacrifice…?
Acts 27: 37 – 28: 10
Who was healed by Paul’s prayers…reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 76 and 77
Psalms 76: 10
The wrath of man shall praise THEE.
GOD’s wrath expressed in judgment against oppressors of His people brings HIM praise from those who have been delivered. The wrath of the wicked can provide the occasion for GOD to rescue His own and to accomplish great things on their behalf example Pharaoh’s wrath against Israel became GOD’s opportunity to demonstrate HIS miraculous power in delivering them from Egypt.​

Numbers 19: 1 – 22
Numbers 19: 2
Red heifer…
The sacrifice of the red heifer provided for the cleansing of anyone who was ritually unclean or defiled and therefore unable to draw near to GOD in worship. A red heifer without defect was killed and burnt outside the camp. The ashes were kept, mixed with water and applied to those who were defiled. This purification rite cleansed that person, allowing him or her to approach GOD once again.

The book of Hebrews contrasts the cleansing effect of CHRIST’s blood to that of the ashes of the red heifer.

Acts 27: 37 – 28: 10
Acts 27: 30 – 38
GOD, who appointed the end, that they should be saved.
Appointed the means that they should be saved by the help of these shipmen. Duty is ours, events are GOD’s; we do not trust GOD, but tempt HIM, when we say we put ourselves under HIS protection, if we do not use proper means, such as are within our power, for our safety. But how selfish are men in general, often even ready to seek their own safety by the destruction of others!

Happy those who have such a one as Paul in their company, who not only had intercourse with Heaven but was of an enlivening spirit to those about HIM. The sorrow of the world works death, while joy in GOD is life and peace in the greatest distresses and dangers. The comfort of GOD’s promises can only be ours by believing dependence on HIM, to fulfil HIS Word to us; and the salvation HE reveals must be waited for in use of the means HE appoints. If GOD has chosen us for salvation, HE has also appointed that we shall obtain it by repentance, faith, prayer, and persevering obedience; it is fatal presumption to expect it in any other way. It is an encouragement to people to commit themselves to CHRIST as their SAVIOUR, when those who invite them, clearly show that they do so themselves.