The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 28th May 2024


Psalms – 74

Old Testament – Numbers 18: 8 – 19

New Testament – Acts 27: 21 – 26


Psalms – 75

Old Testament – Numbers 18: 20 – 32

New Testament – Acts 27: 27 – 36

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 74 and 75
A plea for relief…Psalm number…?
Numbers 18: 8 – 32
Explain covenant of salt…?
Acts 27: 21 – 36
Faith that moves mountains…reference…?

Verses for 28th May 2024


Psalms 74 and 75
Psalms 74: 18 – 23
The psalmist begs that GOD would appear for the church against their enemies.
The folly of such as revile His gospel and His servants will be plain to all. Let us call upon our GOD to enlighten the dark nations of the earth; and to rescue His people, so that the poor and needy may praise HIS name. Blessed SAVIOUR, THOU art the same yesterday, today, and forever. Make thy people more than conquerors. Be THOU, LORD, all in all to them in every situation and circumstances; for then Thy poor and needy people will praise THY name.​

Numbers 18: 8 – 32
Numbers 18: 20
I am … THINE inheritance.
The priests and Levites were to have no earthly inheritance, for GOD HIMSELF was their portion and inheritance. In principle, this promise extends to all believers in CHRIST. Our inheritance is not on this earth, for we are but strangers and pilgrims.
We must seek heavenly things, for GOD dwells in heaven. Our witness is this – The LORD is my portion, saith my soul, therefore will hope in HIM.

Acts 27: 21 – 36
Acts 27: 24
Fear not, Paul…
An angelic visitor came to Paul in the night and reassured him that he would arrive at Rome to stand trial. This gave Paul great confidence in the midst of great danger at sea. Every faithful son or daughter of GOD may pray. “O LORD, I am THINE, I serve THEE, be my PROTECTOR.”

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – 18th October 2024, Friday

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πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 28th May 2024


Psalms – 74

Old Testament – Numbers 18: 8 – 19

New Testament – Acts 27: 21 – 26


Psalms – 75

Old Testament – Numbers 18: 20 – 32

New Testament – Acts 27: 27 – 36

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 74 and 75
A plea for relief…Psalm number…?
Numbers 18: 8 – 32
Explain covenant of salt…?
Acts 27: 21 – 36
Faith that moves mountains…reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 74 and 75
Psalms 74: 18 – 23
The psalmist begs that GOD would appear for the church against their enemies.
The folly of such as revile His gospel and His servants will be plain to all. Let us call upon our GOD to enlighten the dark nations of the earth; and to rescue His people, so that the poor and needy may praise HIS name. Blessed SAVIOUR, THOU art the same yesterday, today, and forever. Make thy people more than conquerors. Be THOU, LORD, all in all to them in every situation and circumstances; for then Thy poor and needy people will praise THY name.​

Numbers 18: 8 – 32
Numbers 18: 20
I am … THINE inheritance.
The priests and Levites were to have no earthly inheritance, for GOD HIMSELF was their portion and inheritance. In principle, this promise extends to all believers in CHRIST. Our inheritance is not on this earth, for we are but strangers and pilgrims.
We must seek heavenly things, for GOD dwells in heaven. Our witness is this – The LORD is my portion, saith my soul, therefore will hope in HIM.

Acts 27: 21 – 36
Acts 27: 24
Fear not, Paul…
An angelic visitor came to Paul in the night and reassured him that he would arrive at Rome to stand trial. This gave Paul great confidence in the midst of great danger at sea. Every faithful son or daughter of GOD may pray. “O LORD, I am THINE, I serve THEE, be my PROTECTOR.”