The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 29th February 2024


Psalms – 145

Old Testament – Jeremiah 12: 7 – 17

New Testament – Luke 9: 18 – 27


Psalms – 146

Old Testament – Jeremiah 13: 1 – 11

New Testament – Luke 9: 28 – 36

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms - 145 and 146
Put not your _____ in _____, nor in the _____ of _____, in whom there is no _____.
Jeremiah 12: 7 – 13: 11
Girdle cleaveth…reference…?
Luke 9: 18 – 36
Cross reference of verse 22…?

Verses for 29th February 2024


Psalms- 145 and 146
Psalms- 145: 1 – 4
If it is our delight to praise the LORD while we live, we shall certainly praise HIM to all eternity. With this glorious prospect before us, how low do worldly pursuits seem! There is a SON of MAN in whom there is help, in him who is also the SON of GOD, who will not fail those that trust in HIM. But all other sons of men are like the man from whom they sprung, who, being in honour, did not abide. GOD has given ​ the earth to the children of men, but there is great striving about it. Yet, after a while, no part of the earth will be their own, except that in which their dead bodies are laid. And when man returns to his earth, on that very day all his plans and designs vanish and are gone: what then comes of expectations from him?

Jeremiah 12: 7 – 13: 11
Jeremiah 12: 7 – 13
I have forsaken mine house.
The LORD HIMSELF laments the deplorable spiritual condition of the people and the desolation coming upon the land. GOD experiences immense pain and sorrow whenever HE must deliver His people over to the consequences of their sins.

Luke 9: 18 – 36
Luke 9: 23
Take up the cross daily.
Accepting JESUS as LORD and SAVIOUR demands not only believing the truth of the Gospel but also committing ourselves to sacrificially follow HIM. The choice between denying ourselves or living for our selfish desires must be made daily. That choice will determine our eternal destiny.

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πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

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πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 29th February 2024


Psalms – 145

Old Testament – Jeremiah 12: 7 – 17

New Testament – Luke 9: 18 – 27


Psalms – 146

Old Testament – Jeremiah 13: 1 – 11

New Testament – Luke 9: 28 – 36

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms - 145 and 146
Put not your _____ in _____, nor in the _____ of _____, in whom there is no _____.
Jeremiah 12: 7 – 13: 11
Girdle cleaveth…reference…?
Luke 9: 18 – 36
Cross reference of verse 22…?

Verses for Today


Psalms- 145 and 146
Psalms- 145: 1 – 4
If it is our delight to praise the LORD while we live, we shall certainly praise HIM to all eternity. With this glorious prospect before us, how low do worldly pursuits seem! There is a SON of MAN in whom there is help, in him who is also the SON of GOD, who will not fail those that trust in HIM. But all other sons of men are like the man from whom they sprung, who, being in honour, did not abide. GOD has given ​ the earth to the children of men, but there is great striving about it. Yet, after a while, no part of the earth will be their own, except that in which their dead bodies are laid. And when man returns to his earth, on that very day all his plans and designs vanish and are gone: what then comes of expectations from him?

Jeremiah 12: 7 – 13: 11
Jeremiah 12: 7 – 13
I have forsaken mine house.
The LORD HIMSELF laments the deplorable spiritual condition of the people and the desolation coming upon the land. GOD experiences immense pain and sorrow whenever HE must deliver His people over to the consequences of their sins.

Luke 9: 18 – 36
Luke 9: 23
Take up the cross daily.
Accepting JESUS as LORD and SAVIOUR demands not only believing the truth of the Gospel but also committing ourselves to sacrificially follow HIM. The choice between denying ourselves or living for our selfish desires must be made daily. That choice will determine our eternal destiny.