The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

πŸ““ CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 18th January 2024


Psalms – 50

Old Testament – Deuteronomy 11: 18 – 32

New Testament – Romans 8: 1 – 4


Psalms – 51

Old Testament – Deuteronomy 12: 1 – 12

New Testament – Romans 8: 5 – 11

Verses for 18th January 2024


Psalms 50 and 51
Psalms 50: 16 – 23
Hypocrisy is wickedness, which GOD will judge.
And it is too common, for those who declare the LORD’s statutes to others, to live in disobedience to themselves. This delusion arises from the abuse of GOD’s long-suffering, and a wilful mistake of his character and the intention of his gospel. The sins of sinners will be fully proved on them in the judgment of the great day. The day is coming when GOD will set their sins in order, sins of childhood and youth, of riper age and old age, to their everlasting shame and terror. Let those hitherto forgetful of GOD, given up to wickedness, or in any way negligent of salvation, consider their urgent danger. The patience of the LORD is very great. It is the more wonderful because sinners make such ill use of it; but if they turn not, they shall be made to see their error when it is too late. Those that forget GOD, forget themselves; and it will never be right with them till they consider. Man’s chief end is to glorify GOD: who so ever offers praise, glorifies HIM, and his spiritual sacrifices shall be accepted. We must praise GOD, sacrifice praise, and put it into the hands of the Priest, our LORD JESUS, who is also the altar: we must be fervent in spirit, praising the LORD. Let us thankfully accept GOD’s mercy, and endeavour to glorify HIM in word and deed. ​

Deuteronomy 11: 18 – 12: 12
Deuteronomy 11: 26
A blessing and a curse.
GOD set before His people the choice of receiving a blessing or a curse. If they obeyed GOD’s word and remained separated from the sin of the surrounding nations, then GOD’s blessing would come upon them and overtake them. On the other hand, if they conformed to the ways of the ungodly, GOD’s curse would come upon them and overtake them.

Romans 8: 1 – 11
Romans 8: 1
Them which are in CHRIST JESUS.
Paul has just shown in chapter 7 that the law is powerless to deliver us from the sinful nature and its sinful desires now in chapter 8 Paul tells us that spiritual life, freedom from condemnation, victory over sin and fellowship with GOD come through union with CHRIST by the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT. By receiving and
following the SPIRIT, we are delivered from sin’s power and are led onward to final glorification in CHRIST. This experience is the normal Christian life under the full provision of the gospel of CHRIST.

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity:
Jan 18th to Jan 25th – Prepared by the World Council of Churches for Christian Unity.
The theme of the year 2024:
You shall love the LORD your GOD….. And your neighbour as yourself (Luke 10: 27)
January 18: Day 1
A lawyer stood up to test JESUS. β€œTeacher”, he said, β€œwhat must I do to inherit eternal life”? (Luke 10: 25)
Help us LORD, to have a life turned towards you
Scripture Reading:
Romans 14: 8 & 9
Psalm 103: 13 to 18
GOD of life, YOU have created us to have life, and life in all its fullness. May we recognise in our brothers and sisters their desire for eternal life. As we follow JESUS’ way with determination, may we lead others to YOU. We pray in HIS name.

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