The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 19th December 2023


Psalms– 118

Old Testament– Isaiah 23: 10 – 18

New Testament– James 2: 1 – 6



Psalms– 119: 1 – 24

Old Testament– Isaiah 24: 1 – 15

New Testament- James 2: 7 – 13


Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 118 and 119: 1 – 24
1) Old Testament Prophecy and New Testament fulfilment…?
Isaiah 23: 10 – 24: 15
2) Which was the land of the Chaldeans…?
James 2: 1 – 13
3) Who are special to GOD…Reference…?

Verses for 19th December 2023


Psalms 118 and 119: 1 – 24

Psalms 118: 19 – 29
Those who saw CHRIST’s day at so great a distance, saw cause to praise GOD for the prospect. The prophecy, verses 22, 23, may refer to David’s preferment; but principally to CHRIST.
1. HIS humiliation; HE is the Stone which the builders refused: they would go on in their building without HIM. This proved the ruin of those who thus made light of HIM. Rejecters of CHRIST are rejected of GOD.
2. HIS exaltation; HE is the chief Cornerstone in the foundation. HE is the chief Top-stone, in whom the building is completed, who must, in all things, have the pre-eminence. CHRIST’s name is Wonderful; and the redemption HE wrought out is the most amazing of all GOD’s wondrous works. We will rejoice and be glad in the Lord’s Day; not only that such a day is appointed, but in the occasion of it, CHRIST’s becoming the Head.
Sabbath days ought to be rejoicing days, then they are to us as the days of heaven.
Let this SAVIOUR be my SAVIOUR, my Ruler. Let my soul prosper and be in health, in that peace and righteousness which his government brings. Let me have victory over the lusts that war against my soul; and let Divine grace subdue my heart. The duty which the LORD has made, brings light with it, true light. The duty this privilege calls for, is here set forth; the sacrifices we are to offer to GOD in gratitude for redeeming love, are ourselves; not to be slain upon the altar, but living sacrifices, to be bound to the altar; spiritual sacrifices of prayer and praise, in which our hearts must be engaged. The psalmist praises GOD, and calls upon all about HIM to give thanks to GOD for the glad tidings of great joy to all people, that there is a Redeemer, CHRIST the LORD. In HIM the covenant of grace is made sure and everlasting.

Isaiah 23: 10 – 24: 15

Isaiah 23: 13
Land of the Chaldeans.
The land of the Chaldeans was the region of which Babylon was the chief city Sargon demolished the Chaldean capital Dur-yakin in 710–709 B.C. and took 90,000 captives Sennacherib took 208,000 captives from Babylon in 703 B.C. and levelled it in 689 B.C. As a result of these two events, the people of Tyre realised that they would not find comfort or rest while Assyria was not in control.

James 2: 1 – 13

James 2: 12
So speak ye, and so do.
We act from the perspective of those who will be judged by GOD and the law of liberty, the law and love of GOD poured forth into our hearts by GOD’s SPIRIT. GOD will judge all who show favouritism, for it transgresses the law of love.

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th October 2024

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 19th December 2023


Psalms– 118

Old Testament– Isaiah 23: 10 – 18

New Testament– James 2: 1 – 6



Psalms– 119: 1 – 24

Old Testament– Isaiah 24: 1 – 15

New Testament- James 2: 7 – 13


Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 118 and 119: 1 – 24
1) Old Testament Prophecy and New Testament fulfilment…?
Isaiah 23: 10 – 24: 15
2) Which was the land of the Chaldeans…?
James 2: 1 – 13
3) Who are special to GOD…Reference…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 118 and 119: 1 – 24

Psalms 118: 19 – 29
Those who saw CHRIST’s day at so great a distance, saw cause to praise GOD for the prospect. The prophecy, verses 22, 23, may refer to David’s preferment; but principally to CHRIST.
1. HIS humiliation; HE is the Stone which the builders refused: they would go on in their building without HIM. This proved the ruin of those who thus made light of HIM. Rejecters of CHRIST are rejected of GOD.
2. HIS exaltation; HE is the chief Cornerstone in the foundation. HE is the chief Top-stone, in whom the building is completed, who must, in all things, have the pre-eminence. CHRIST’s name is Wonderful; and the redemption HE wrought out is the most amazing of all GOD’s wondrous works. We will rejoice and be glad in the Lord’s Day; not only that such a day is appointed, but in the occasion of it, CHRIST’s becoming the Head.
Sabbath days ought to be rejoicing days, then they are to us as the days of heaven.
Let this SAVIOUR be my SAVIOUR, my Ruler. Let my soul prosper and be in health, in that peace and righteousness which his government brings. Let me have victory over the lusts that war against my soul; and let Divine grace subdue my heart. The duty which the LORD has made, brings light with it, true light. The duty this privilege calls for, is here set forth; the sacrifices we are to offer to GOD in gratitude for redeeming love, are ourselves; not to be slain upon the altar, but living sacrifices, to be bound to the altar; spiritual sacrifices of prayer and praise, in which our hearts must be engaged. The psalmist praises GOD, and calls upon all about HIM to give thanks to GOD for the glad tidings of great joy to all people, that there is a Redeemer, CHRIST the LORD. In HIM the covenant of grace is made sure and everlasting.

Isaiah 23: 10 – 24: 15

Isaiah 23: 13
Land of the Chaldeans.
The land of the Chaldeans was the region of which Babylon was the chief city Sargon demolished the Chaldean capital Dur-yakin in 710–709 B.C. and took 90,000 captives Sennacherib took 208,000 captives from Babylon in 703 B.C. and levelled it in 689 B.C. As a result of these two events, the people of Tyre realised that they would not find comfort or rest while Assyria was not in control.

James 2: 1 – 13

James 2: 12
So speak ye, and so do.
We act from the perspective of those who will be judged by GOD and the law of liberty, the law and love of GOD poured forth into our hearts by GOD’s SPIRIT. GOD will judge all who show favouritism, for it transgresses the law of love.