The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th December 2023


Psalms- 103

Old Testament– Isaiah 15: 1 – 9

New Testament– 1 Thessalonians 4: 1 – 12



Psalms– 104: 1 – 23

Old Testament– Isaiah 16: 1 – 5

New Testament– 1 Thessalonians 4: 13 – 18


Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 103 and 104: 1 – 23
1) Healing verses…reference?
Isaiah 15: 1 – 16: 5
2) Messianic kingdom…reference?
1 Thessalonians 4: 1 – 18
3) Reference of Walking in Obedience and righteousness. Second coming…?

Verses for 11th December 2023


Psalms 103 and 104: 1 – 23

Psalms 103: 6 – 14
Truly GOD is good to all: HE is in a special manner good to Israel. HE has revealed HIMSELF and HIS grace to them. By HIS ways we may understand HIS precepts, the ways HE requires us to walk in; and HIS promises and purposes. HE always has been full of compassion. How unlike are those to GOD, who take every occasion to chide, and never know when to cease! What would become of us, if GOD should deal so with us? The Scripture says a great deal of the mercy of GOD, and we all have experienced it. The father pities his children that are weak in knowledge, and teaches them; pities them when they are forward, and bears with them; pities them when they are sick, and comforts them; pities them when they are fallen, and helps them to rise; pities them when they have offended, and, upon their submission, forgives them; pities them when wronged, and rights them: thus the LORD pities those that fear HIM. HE pities us, because HE considers the frailty of our bodies, and the folly of our souls, how little we can do, how little we can bear; in all which HIS compassion appears.

Isaiah 15: 1 – 16: 5

Chapter 15:
The Divine judgments about to come upon the Moabites.
This prophecy coming to pass within three years, would confirm the prophet’s mission, and the belief in all his other prophecies.
Concerning Moab it is foretold,
1. That their chief cities should be surprised by the enemy. Great changes, and very dismal ones, may be made in a very little time.
2. The Moabites would have recourse to their idols for relief. Ungodly men, when in trouble, have no comforter. But they are seldom brought by their terrors to approach our forgiving GOD with true sorrow and believing prayer.
3. There should be the cries of grief through the land. It is poor relief to have many fellow-sufferers, fellow-mourners.
4. The courage of their soldiers should fail. GOD can easily deprive a nation of that on which it most depended for strength and defence.
5. These calamities should cause grief in the neighbouring parts. Though enemies to Israel, yet as our fellow-creatures, it should be grievous to see them in such distress. In verses 6 to 9, the prophet describes the woeful lamentations heard through the country of Moab, when it became a prey to the Assyrian army. The country should be plundered. And famine is usually the sad effect of war.
Those who are eager to get abundance of this world, and to lay up what they have gotten, little consider how soon it may be all taken from them.
While we warn our enemies to escape from ruin, let us pray for them, that they may seek and find forgiveness of their sins.

1 Thessalonians 4: 1 – 18

1 Thessalonians 4: 3 – 7
Abstain from fornication.
GOD requires all believers to live by the high standards of purity and sanctification with regard to sexual matters.

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th October 2024

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th December 2023


Psalms- 103

Old Testament– Isaiah 15: 1 – 9

New Testament– 1 Thessalonians 4: 1 – 12



Psalms– 104: 1 – 23

Old Testament– Isaiah 16: 1 – 5

New Testament– 1 Thessalonians 4: 13 – 18


Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 103 and 104: 1 – 23
1) Healing verses…reference?
Isaiah 15: 1 – 16: 5
2) Messianic kingdom…reference?
1 Thessalonians 4: 1 – 18
3) Reference of Walking in Obedience and righteousness. Second coming…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 103 and 104: 1 – 23

Psalms 103: 6 – 14
Truly GOD is good to all: HE is in a special manner good to Israel. HE has revealed HIMSELF and HIS grace to them. By HIS ways we may understand HIS precepts, the ways HE requires us to walk in; and HIS promises and purposes. HE always has been full of compassion. How unlike are those to GOD, who take every occasion to chide, and never know when to cease! What would become of us, if GOD should deal so with us? The Scripture says a great deal of the mercy of GOD, and we all have experienced it. The father pities his children that are weak in knowledge, and teaches them; pities them when they are forward, and bears with them; pities them when they are sick, and comforts them; pities them when they are fallen, and helps them to rise; pities them when they have offended, and, upon their submission, forgives them; pities them when wronged, and rights them: thus the LORD pities those that fear HIM. HE pities us, because HE considers the frailty of our bodies, and the folly of our souls, how little we can do, how little we can bear; in all which HIS compassion appears.

Isaiah 15: 1 – 16: 5

Chapter 15:
The Divine judgments about to come upon the Moabites.
This prophecy coming to pass within three years, would confirm the prophet’s mission, and the belief in all his other prophecies.
Concerning Moab it is foretold,
1. That their chief cities should be surprised by the enemy. Great changes, and very dismal ones, may be made in a very little time.
2. The Moabites would have recourse to their idols for relief. Ungodly men, when in trouble, have no comforter. But they are seldom brought by their terrors to approach our forgiving GOD with true sorrow and believing prayer.
3. There should be the cries of grief through the land. It is poor relief to have many fellow-sufferers, fellow-mourners.
4. The courage of their soldiers should fail. GOD can easily deprive a nation of that on which it most depended for strength and defence.
5. These calamities should cause grief in the neighbouring parts. Though enemies to Israel, yet as our fellow-creatures, it should be grievous to see them in such distress. In verses 6 to 9, the prophet describes the woeful lamentations heard through the country of Moab, when it became a prey to the Assyrian army. The country should be plundered. And famine is usually the sad effect of war.
Those who are eager to get abundance of this world, and to lay up what they have gotten, little consider how soon it may be all taken from them.
While we warn our enemies to escape from ruin, let us pray for them, that they may seek and find forgiveness of their sins.

1 Thessalonians 4: 1 – 18

1 Thessalonians 4: 3 – 7
Abstain from fornication.
GOD requires all believers to live by the high standards of purity and sanctification with regard to sexual matters.