The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 5th December 2023


Psalms– 89: 1 – 18

Old Testament– Isaiah 10: 1 – 15

New Testament– Philippians 1: 27 – 2: 11



Psalms– 89: 19 – 52

Old Testament– Isaiah 10: 16 – 34

New Testament– Philippians 2: 12 – 30


Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 89: 1 – 18 & 19 – 52
1) Title of this Psalm…?
Isaiah 10: 1 – 34
2) Who will be saved…reference?
Philippians 1: 27 – 2: 30
3) Walking to obedience and righteousness…reference?

Verses for 5th December 2023


Psalms 89: 1 – 18 & 19 – 52

Psalms 89: 5 – 14
The more GOD’s works are known, the more they are admired.
And to praise the LORD, is to acknowledge HIM to be such a ONE that there is none like HIM. Surely then we should feel and express reverence when we worship GOD. But how little of this appears in our congregations, and how much cause have we to humble ourselves on this account! That ALMIGHTY power which smote Egypt, will scatter the enemies of the church, while all who trust in GOD’s mercy will rejoice in HIS name; for mercy and truth direct all HE does. HIS counsel is from eternity, and their consequences to eternity, are all justice and judgment.

Isaiah 10: 1 – 34

Isaiah 10: 20
The remnant of Israel.
Isaiah again assures the faithful believers that after GOD had judged Israel, a godly remnant who trusted in the LORD would be preserved and restored, this remnant would be the true Israel .GOD’s plan of salvation for the world will always be carried out by the remnant who truly believe and obey HIS Word, not by those who merely profess to believe.

Philippians 1: 27 – 2: 30

Philippians 2: 13
GOD which worketh in you.
GOD’s grace works in HIS children to produce in them both the desire and power to do HIS will. However, GOD’s work is not one of compulsion or irresistible grace. The work of grace within us is always dependent on our cooperation and response of faith.


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📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th October 2024

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 5th December 2023


Psalms– 89: 1 – 18

Old Testament– Isaiah 10: 1 – 15

New Testament– Philippians 1: 27 – 2: 11



Psalms– 89: 19 – 52

Old Testament– Isaiah 10: 16 – 34

New Testament– Philippians 2: 12 – 30


Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 89: 1 – 18 & 19 – 52
1) Title of this Psalm…?
Isaiah 10: 1 – 34
2) Who will be saved…reference?
Philippians 1: 27 – 2: 30
3) Walking to obedience and righteousness…reference?

Verses for Today


Psalms 89: 1 – 18 & 19 – 52

Psalms 89: 5 – 14
The more GOD’s works are known, the more they are admired.
And to praise the LORD, is to acknowledge HIM to be such a ONE that there is none like HIM. Surely then we should feel and express reverence when we worship GOD. But how little of this appears in our congregations, and how much cause have we to humble ourselves on this account! That ALMIGHTY power which smote Egypt, will scatter the enemies of the church, while all who trust in GOD’s mercy will rejoice in HIS name; for mercy and truth direct all HE does. HIS counsel is from eternity, and their consequences to eternity, are all justice and judgment.

Isaiah 10: 1 – 34

Isaiah 10: 20
The remnant of Israel.
Isaiah again assures the faithful believers that after GOD had judged Israel, a godly remnant who trusted in the LORD would be preserved and restored, this remnant would be the true Israel .GOD’s plan of salvation for the world will always be carried out by the remnant who truly believe and obey HIS Word, not by those who merely profess to believe.

Philippians 1: 27 – 2: 30

Philippians 2: 13
GOD which worketh in you.
GOD’s grace works in HIS children to produce in them both the desire and power to do HIS will. However, GOD’s work is not one of compulsion or irresistible grace. The work of grace within us is always dependent on our cooperation and response of faith.