The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 2nd December 2023


Psalms– 81

Old Testament– Isaiah 1: 18 – 31

New Testament– 2 Corinthians 8: 16 – 24



Psalms– 82

Old Testament– Isaiah 2: 1 – 4

New Testament- 2 Corinthians 9: 1 – 5

Verses for 2nd December 2023


Psalms 81 and 82

Psalms 81: 8 – 16
We cannot look for too little from the creature, nor too much from the Creator. We may have enough from GOD, if we pray for it in faith. All the wickedness of the world is owing to man’s wilfulness. People are not religious, because they will not be so. GOD is not the Author of their sin, HE leaves them to the lusts of their own hearts, and the counsels of their own heads; if they do not do well, and the blame must be upon themselves. The LORD is unwilling that any should perish. What enemies sinners are to themselves! It is sin that makes our troubles long, and our salvation slow. Upon the same conditions of faith and obedience, Christians hold those spiritual and eternal good things, which the pleasant fields and fertile hills of Canaan showed forth.
CHRIST is the Bread of life; HE is the Rock of salvation, and HIS promises are as honey to pious minds. But those who reject HIM as their LORD and Master, must also lose HIM as their SAVIOUR and their reward.

Isaiah 1: 18 – 2: 4

Isaiah 2: 2
In the last days.
The New Testament defines the last days as the period of time between the first and second comings of CHRIST. What Isaiah describes will reach its complete fulfilment at CHRIST’s second coming, when HE establishes GOD’s kingdom on earth.

2 Corinthians 8: 16 – 9: 5

2 Corinthians 8: 16 – 24
The apostle commends the brethren sent to collect their charity, that it might be known who they were, and how safely they might be trusted. It is the duty of all Christians to act prudently; to hinder, as far as we can, all unjust suspicions. It is needful, in the first place, to act uprightly in the sight of GOD, but things honest in the sight of men should also be attended to. A clear character, as well as a pure conscience, is requisite for usefulness. They brought glory to CHRIST as instruments, and had obtained honour from CHRIST to be counted faithful, and employed in HIS service. The good opinion others have of us, should be an argument with us to do well.


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