The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 23rd November 2023


Psalms– 62 and 63

Old Testament– Lamentations 1: 16 – 22

New Testament– 2 Corinthians 1: 8 – 14



Psalms– 64 and 65

Old Testament– Lamentations 2: 1 – 8

New Testament– 2 Corinthians 1: 15 – 24

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 62 to 65
1) GOD’s provision for the earth…psalm number?
Lamentations 1: 16 – 2: 8
2) Sin brings sorrow…reference?
2 Corinthians 1: 8 – 24
3) Certainty of HIS promises…reference?

Verses for 23rd November 2023


Psalms 62 to 65

Psalms 62: 8 – 12
Those who have found the comfort of the ways of GOD themselves, will invite others into those ways; we shall never have the less for others sharing with us. The good counsel given is, to trust wholly in GOD. We must so trust in HIM at all times, as not at any time to put that trust in ourselves, or in any creature, which is to be put in HIM only. Trust in HIM to guide us when in doubt, to protect us when in danger, to supply us when in want, to strengthen us for every good word and work. We must lay out wants and our wishes before HIM, and then patiently submit our wills to HIS: this is pouring out our hearts. GOD is a refuge for all, even for as many as will take shelter in HIM. The psalmist warns against trusting in men. The multitude, those of low degree, are changeable as the wind. The rich and noble seem to have much in their power, and lavish promises; but those that depend on them, are disappointed. Weighed in the balance of Scripture, all that man can do to make us happy is lighter than vanity itself. It is hard to have riches, and not to trust in them if they increase, though by lawful and honest means; but we must take heed, lest we set our affections unduly upon them. A smiling world is the most likely to draw the heart from GOD, on whom alone it should be set. The consistent believer receives all from GOD as a trust; and he seeks to use it to HIS glory, as a steward who must render an account. GOD hath spoken as it were once for all, that power belongs to him alone. HE can punish and destroy. Mercy also belongs to HIM; and HIS recompensing the imperfect services of those that believe in HIM, blotting out their transgressions for the Redeemer’s sake, is a proof of abundant mercy, and encourages us to trust in HIM. Let us trust in HIS mercy and grace, and abound in HIS work, expecting mercies from HIM alone.

Lamentations 1: 16 – 2: 8

Lamentations 1: 18
Behold my sorrow.
This verse, expresses the main theme of Lamentations, sin brings sorrow. A person may enjoy the pleasure of sin and immorality for a time, but eventually slavery to Satan and the consequences of one’s sinful desires will become evident. Distress, despair and destruction will come to all who do not turn to GOD in repentance.

2 Corinthians 1: 8 – 24

2 Corinthians 1: 11
You also helping together by prayer
An indisputable Biblical principle is that our prayers for others will release GOD’s power and activity in others’ lives. Because of this we should be encouraged to intercede for those in need.

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th October 2024

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 23rd November 2023


Psalms– 62 and 63

Old Testament– Lamentations 1: 16 – 22

New Testament– 2 Corinthians 1: 8 – 14



Psalms– 64 and 65

Old Testament– Lamentations 2: 1 – 8

New Testament– 2 Corinthians 1: 15 – 24

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 62 to 65
1) GOD’s provision for the earth…psalm number?
Lamentations 1: 16 – 2: 8
2) Sin brings sorrow…reference?
2 Corinthians 1: 8 – 24
3) Certainty of HIS promises…reference?

Verses for Today


Psalms 62 to 65

Psalms 62: 8 – 12
Those who have found the comfort of the ways of GOD themselves, will invite others into those ways; we shall never have the less for others sharing with us. The good counsel given is, to trust wholly in GOD. We must so trust in HIM at all times, as not at any time to put that trust in ourselves, or in any creature, which is to be put in HIM only. Trust in HIM to guide us when in doubt, to protect us when in danger, to supply us when in want, to strengthen us for every good word and work. We must lay out wants and our wishes before HIM, and then patiently submit our wills to HIS: this is pouring out our hearts. GOD is a refuge for all, even for as many as will take shelter in HIM. The psalmist warns against trusting in men. The multitude, those of low degree, are changeable as the wind. The rich and noble seem to have much in their power, and lavish promises; but those that depend on them, are disappointed. Weighed in the balance of Scripture, all that man can do to make us happy is lighter than vanity itself. It is hard to have riches, and not to trust in them if they increase, though by lawful and honest means; but we must take heed, lest we set our affections unduly upon them. A smiling world is the most likely to draw the heart from GOD, on whom alone it should be set. The consistent believer receives all from GOD as a trust; and he seeks to use it to HIS glory, as a steward who must render an account. GOD hath spoken as it were once for all, that power belongs to him alone. HE can punish and destroy. Mercy also belongs to HIM; and HIS recompensing the imperfect services of those that believe in HIM, blotting out their transgressions for the Redeemer’s sake, is a proof of abundant mercy, and encourages us to trust in HIM. Let us trust in HIS mercy and grace, and abound in HIS work, expecting mercies from HIM alone.

Lamentations 1: 16 – 2: 8

Lamentations 1: 18
Behold my sorrow.
This verse, expresses the main theme of Lamentations, sin brings sorrow. A person may enjoy the pleasure of sin and immorality for a time, but eventually slavery to Satan and the consequences of one’s sinful desires will become evident. Distress, despair and destruction will come to all who do not turn to GOD in repentance.

2 Corinthians 1: 8 – 24

2 Corinthians 1: 11
You also helping together by prayer
An indisputable Biblical principle is that our prayers for others will release GOD’s power and activity in others’ lives. Because of this we should be encouraged to intercede for those in need.