The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 20th November 2023


Psalms– 55

Old Testament– Daniel 11: 9 – 20

New Testament– 1 Corinthians 15: 35 – 41


Psalms– 56

Old Testament– Daniel 11: 21 – 31

New Testament– 1 Corinthians 15: 42 – 49

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 55 and 56
1) Explain 56: 8…?
Daniel 11: 9 – 31
2) Who was against the Holy Covenant…?
1 Corinthians 15: 35 – 49
3) Explain verse 15: 45…?

Verses for 20th November 2023


Psalms 55 and 56

Psalms 55: 9 – 15
No wickedness so distresses the believer, as that which he witnesses in those who profess to be of the church of GOD. Let us not be surprised at the corruptions and disorders of the church on earth, but long to see the New Jerusalem. He complains of one that had been very industrious against him. GOD often destroys the enemies of the church by dividing them. And an interest divided against itself cannot long stand. The true Christian must expect trials from professed friends, from those with whom he has been united; this will be very painful; but by looking unto JESUS we shall be enabled to bear it. CHRIST was betrayed by a companion, a disciple, an apostle, who resembled Ahithophel in his crimes and doom. Both were speedily overtaken by Divine vengeance. And this prayer is a prophecy of the utter, the everlasting ruin, of all who oppose and rebel against the Messiah.

Daniel 11: 9 – 31

Daniel 11: 28
His heart shall be against the holy covenant.
Antiochus developed a hatred for the Jews and their holy covenant law. He was persuaded that Greek culture and language were superior to any other culture and language, and he hated the Jews because their religion was exclusive.
About 168 B.C. he invaded Egypt again but the ships headed by the Roman consul Laenas defeated him, and he withdrew to his own land. There he took out his frustration against the Jews.

1 Corinthians 15: 35 – 49
How are the dead raised up? That is, by what means? How can they be raised?
As to the bodies which shall rise, will it be with the like shape, and form, and stature, and members, and qualities? The former objection is that of those who opposed the doctrine, the latter of curious doubters.

To the first the answer is, This was to be brought about by DIVINE POWER; that POWER which all may see does somewhat like it, year after year, in the death and revival of the corn. It is foolish to question the Almighty power of GOD to raise the dead, when we see it every day quickening and reviving things that are dead.

To the second inquiry- The grain undergoes a great change; and so will the dead, when they rise and live again. The seed dies, though a part of it springs into new life, though how it is we cannot fully understand. The works of creation and providence daily teach us to be humble, as well as to admire the CREATOR’s wisdom and goodness. There is a great variety among other bodies, as there is among plants. There is a variety of glory among heavenly bodies. The bodies of the dead, when they rise, will be fitted for the heavenly bodies. The bodies of the dead, when they rise, will be fitted for the heavenly state; and there will be a variety of glories among them. Burying the dead, is like committing seed to the earth, that it may spring out of it again. Nothing is more loathsome than a dead body. But believers shall at the resurrection have bodies, made fit to be for ever united with spirits made perfect. To GOD all things are possible. HE is the AUTHOR and SOURCE of spiritual life and holiness, unto all His people, by the supply of HIS HOLY SPIRIT to the soul; and HE will also quicken and change the body by HIS SPIRIT. The dead in CHRIST shall not only rise, but shall rise thus gloriously changed. The bodies of the saints, when they rise again, will be changed. They will be then glorious and spiritual bodies, fitted to the heavenly world and state, where they are ever afterwards to dwell. The human body in its present form, and with its wants and weaknesses, cannot enter or enjoy the kingdom of GOD.

Then let us not sow to the flesh, of which we can only reap corruption. And the body follows the state of the soul. He, therefore, who neglects the life of the soul, casts away his present good; he who refuses to live to GOD, squanders all he has.


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📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

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📓 CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th October 2024

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 20th November 2023


Psalms– 55

Old Testament– Daniel 11: 9 – 20

New Testament– 1 Corinthians 15: 35 – 41


Psalms– 56

Old Testament– Daniel 11: 21 – 31

New Testament– 1 Corinthians 15: 42 – 49

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 55 and 56
1) Explain 56: 8…?
Daniel 11: 9 – 31
2) Who was against the Holy Covenant…?
1 Corinthians 15: 35 – 49
3) Explain verse 15: 45…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 55 and 56

Psalms 55: 9 – 15
No wickedness so distresses the believer, as that which he witnesses in those who profess to be of the church of GOD. Let us not be surprised at the corruptions and disorders of the church on earth, but long to see the New Jerusalem. He complains of one that had been very industrious against him. GOD often destroys the enemies of the church by dividing them. And an interest divided against itself cannot long stand. The true Christian must expect trials from professed friends, from those with whom he has been united; this will be very painful; but by looking unto JESUS we shall be enabled to bear it. CHRIST was betrayed by a companion, a disciple, an apostle, who resembled Ahithophel in his crimes and doom. Both were speedily overtaken by Divine vengeance. And this prayer is a prophecy of the utter, the everlasting ruin, of all who oppose and rebel against the Messiah.

Daniel 11: 9 – 31

Daniel 11: 28
His heart shall be against the holy covenant.
Antiochus developed a hatred for the Jews and their holy covenant law. He was persuaded that Greek culture and language were superior to any other culture and language, and he hated the Jews because their religion was exclusive.
About 168 B.C. he invaded Egypt again but the ships headed by the Roman consul Laenas defeated him, and he withdrew to his own land. There he took out his frustration against the Jews.

1 Corinthians 15: 35 – 49
How are the dead raised up? That is, by what means? How can they be raised?
As to the bodies which shall rise, will it be with the like shape, and form, and stature, and members, and qualities? The former objection is that of those who opposed the doctrine, the latter of curious doubters.

To the first the answer is, This was to be brought about by DIVINE POWER; that POWER which all may see does somewhat like it, year after year, in the death and revival of the corn. It is foolish to question the Almighty power of GOD to raise the dead, when we see it every day quickening and reviving things that are dead.

To the second inquiry- The grain undergoes a great change; and so will the dead, when they rise and live again. The seed dies, though a part of it springs into new life, though how it is we cannot fully understand. The works of creation and providence daily teach us to be humble, as well as to admire the CREATOR’s wisdom and goodness. There is a great variety among other bodies, as there is among plants. There is a variety of glory among heavenly bodies. The bodies of the dead, when they rise, will be fitted for the heavenly bodies. The bodies of the dead, when they rise, will be fitted for the heavenly state; and there will be a variety of glories among them. Burying the dead, is like committing seed to the earth, that it may spring out of it again. Nothing is more loathsome than a dead body. But believers shall at the resurrection have bodies, made fit to be for ever united with spirits made perfect. To GOD all things are possible. HE is the AUTHOR and SOURCE of spiritual life and holiness, unto all His people, by the supply of HIS HOLY SPIRIT to the soul; and HE will also quicken and change the body by HIS SPIRIT. The dead in CHRIST shall not only rise, but shall rise thus gloriously changed. The bodies of the saints, when they rise again, will be changed. They will be then glorious and spiritual bodies, fitted to the heavenly world and state, where they are ever afterwards to dwell. The human body in its present form, and with its wants and weaknesses, cannot enter or enjoy the kingdom of GOD.

Then let us not sow to the flesh, of which we can only reap corruption. And the body follows the state of the soul. He, therefore, who neglects the life of the soul, casts away his present good; he who refuses to live to GOD, squanders all he has.