The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 7th November 2023


Psalms– 22

Old Testament– Daniel 3: 19 – 30

New Testament– 1 Corinthians 8: 7 – 13


Psalms- 23 and 24

Old Testament– Daniel 4: 1 – 9

New Testament– 1 Corinthians 9: 1 – 14

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 22 to 24
1) Old Testament prophecy and New Testament fulfilment…?
Daniel 3: 19 – 4: 9
2) Reference of King Nebuchadnezzar reaction after seeing the three youth saved from the fiery furnace…?
1 Corinthians 8: 7 – 9: 14
3) Reference of supporting Gospel preachers…?

Verses for 7th November 2023


Psalms 22 to 24

Psalms 22: 11 – 21
In these verses we have CHRIST suffering and CHRIST praying; by which we are directed to look for crosses, and to look up to GOD under them. The very manner of CHRIST’s death is described, though not in use among the Jews. They pierced HIS hands and HIS feet, which were nailed to the accursed tree, and HIS whole body was left so to hang as to suffer the most severe pain and torture. HIS natural force failed, being wasted by the fire of Divine wrath preying upon HIS Spirit.
Who then can stand before GOD’s anger? Or who knows the power of it? The life of the sinner was forfeited, and the life of the Sacrifice must be the ransom for it. Our LORD JESUS was stripped, when HE was crucified, that HE might clothe us with the robe of HIS righteousness. Thus it was written, therefore thus it behoved CHRIST to suffer. Let all this confirm our faith in HIM as the true MESSIAH, and excite our love to HIM as the best of friends, who loved us, and suffered all this for us. CHRIST in His agony prayed, prayed earnestly, prayed that the cup might pass from HIM. When we cannot rejoice in GOD as our song, yet let us stay ourselves upon HIM as our strength; and take the comfort of spiritual supports, when we cannot have spiritual delights. HE prays to be delivered from the Divine wrath. HE that has delivered, doth deliver, and will do so. We should think upon the sufferings and resurrection of CHRIST, till we feel in our souls the power of HIS resurrection, and the fellowship of HIS sufferings.

Daniel 3: 19 – 4: 9

Daniel 3: 30
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
These three men who remained true to GOD even at the possible cost of their lives serve to condemn the spiritual and moral compromise of those who use contemporary influences and customs as an excuse for their worldly actions. GOD does not accept the reasoning that we may do something simply because everyone is doing it. We should diligently ask GOD to put a firm determination within our hearts to remain true to HIM and HIS Word, regardless of the consequences.

1 Corinthians 8: 7 – 9: 14

1 Corinthians 8: 12
Ye sin against CHRIST.
Those who by their example lead another believer into sin and spiritual ruin, sin not only against that person, but also against CHRIST HIMSELF. A great sin has been committed, the purpose for which CHRIST died is considered of little value in comparison to one’s own self – cantered desires.


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CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 7th November 2023


Psalms– 22

Old Testament– Daniel 3: 19 – 30

New Testament– 1 Corinthians 8: 7 – 13


Psalms- 23 and 24

Old Testament– Daniel 4: 1 – 9

New Testament– 1 Corinthians 9: 1 – 14

Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 22 to 24
1) Old Testament prophecy and New Testament fulfilment…?
Daniel 3: 19 – 4: 9
2) Reference of King Nebuchadnezzar reaction after seeing the three youth saved from the fiery furnace…?
1 Corinthians 8: 7 – 9: 14
3) Reference of supporting Gospel preachers…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 22 to 24

Psalms 22: 11 – 21
In these verses we have CHRIST suffering and CHRIST praying; by which we are directed to look for crosses, and to look up to GOD under them. The very manner of CHRIST’s death is described, though not in use among the Jews. They pierced HIS hands and HIS feet, which were nailed to the accursed tree, and HIS whole body was left so to hang as to suffer the most severe pain and torture. HIS natural force failed, being wasted by the fire of Divine wrath preying upon HIS Spirit.
Who then can stand before GOD’s anger? Or who knows the power of it? The life of the sinner was forfeited, and the life of the Sacrifice must be the ransom for it. Our LORD JESUS was stripped, when HE was crucified, that HE might clothe us with the robe of HIS righteousness. Thus it was written, therefore thus it behoved CHRIST to suffer. Let all this confirm our faith in HIM as the true MESSIAH, and excite our love to HIM as the best of friends, who loved us, and suffered all this for us. CHRIST in His agony prayed, prayed earnestly, prayed that the cup might pass from HIM. When we cannot rejoice in GOD as our song, yet let us stay ourselves upon HIM as our strength; and take the comfort of spiritual supports, when we cannot have spiritual delights. HE prays to be delivered from the Divine wrath. HE that has delivered, doth deliver, and will do so. We should think upon the sufferings and resurrection of CHRIST, till we feel in our souls the power of HIS resurrection, and the fellowship of HIS sufferings.

Daniel 3: 19 – 4: 9

Daniel 3: 30
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
These three men who remained true to GOD even at the possible cost of their lives serve to condemn the spiritual and moral compromise of those who use contemporary influences and customs as an excuse for their worldly actions. GOD does not accept the reasoning that we may do something simply because everyone is doing it. We should diligently ask GOD to put a firm determination within our hearts to remain true to HIM and HIS Word, regardless of the consequences.

1 Corinthians 8: 7 – 9: 14

1 Corinthians 8: 12
Ye sin against CHRIST.
Those who by their example lead another believer into sin and spiritual ruin, sin not only against that person, but also against CHRIST HIMSELF. A great sin has been committed, the purpose for which CHRIST died is considered of little value in comparison to one’s own self – cantered desires.