The Real and Lasting

Hope of Jesus
To Centennial & Beyond

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 10th October 2023


Psalms– 100 & 101

Old Testament- 2 Kings 17: 24 – 33

New Testament– Mark 14: 51 – 59


Psalms– 102

Old Testament- 2 Kings 17: 34 – 41

New Testament– Mark 14: 60 – 65


Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 100 – 102
1) Old Testament Prophecy and New Testament fulfilment…?
2 Kings 17: 24 – 41
2) Why did the LORD send lions…reference?
Mark 14: 51 – 65
3) What was JESUS reply to the high Priest…?

Verses for 10th October 2023


Psalms 100 – 102

An exhortation to praise GOD, and rejoice in HIM.
This song of praise should be considered as a prophecy, and even used as a prayer, for the coming of that time when all people shall know that the LORD HE is GOD, and shall become HIS worshippers, and the sheep of HIS pasture. Great encouragement is given us, in worshipping GOD, to do it cheerfully. If, when we strayed like wandering sheep, HE has brought us again to HIS fold, we have indeed abundant cause to bless HIS name. The matter of praise, and the motives to it, are very important. Know ye that GOD is in HIMSELF, and what HE is to you. Know it; consider and apply it, then you will be more close and constant, more inward and serious, in HIS worship. The covenant of grace set down in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, with so many rich promises, to strengthen the faith of every weak believer, makes the matter of GOD’s praise and of HIS people’s joys so sure, that how sad what so ever our spirits may be when we look to ourselves, yet we shall have reason to praise the LORD when we look to HIS goodness and mercy, and to what HE has said in HIS word for our comfort.

2 Kings 17: 24 – 41

2 Kings 17: 24
Placed them in the cities of Samaria.
The king of Assyria imported foreign captives to inhabit the cities of Samaria in order to destroy any remaining nationalism. Intermarriage between Israelites not taken to Assyria and foreigners brought to the land of Israel produced the people called Samaritans. The result was a mixture of foreign religious and cultural traditions with Hebrew customs and faith. By New Testament times, many Samaritans had left their pagan ways and developed a faith based exclusively on the Pentateuch. JESUS witnessed to a Samaritan woman, speaking of the incompleteness of Samaritan traditions. Later many Samaritans became believers in CHRIST through the ministry of Philip.

Mark 14: 51 – 65
We have here Christ’s condemnation before the great council of the Jews.
Peter followed; but the high priest’s fire-side was no proper place, nor his servants’ proper company, for Peter: it was an entrance into temptation. Great diligence was used to procure false witnesses against JESUS, yet their testimony was not equal to the charge of a capital crime, by the utmost stretch of their law. HE was asked, Art thou the SON of the Blessed? That is, the Son of GOD. For the proof of HIS being the SON of GOD, HE refers to HIS second coming. In these outrages we have proofs of man’s enmity to GOD, and of GOD’s free and unspeakable love to man.

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 16th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 15th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 14th October 2024

📓 CSI Almanac – 13th October 2024, Sunday

📓 CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 11th October 2024

CSI Almanac – Daily Bible Reading – 10th October 2023


Psalms– 100 & 101

Old Testament- 2 Kings 17: 24 – 33

New Testament– Mark 14: 51 – 59


Psalms– 102

Old Testament- 2 Kings 17: 34 – 41

New Testament– Mark 14: 60 – 65


Quiz for Today – from the Bible Reading Portion.

Psalms 100 – 102
1) Old Testament Prophecy and New Testament fulfilment…?
2 Kings 17: 24 – 41
2) Why did the LORD send lions…reference?
Mark 14: 51 – 65
3) What was JESUS reply to the high Priest…?

Verses for Today


Psalms 100 – 102

An exhortation to praise GOD, and rejoice in HIM.
This song of praise should be considered as a prophecy, and even used as a prayer, for the coming of that time when all people shall know that the LORD HE is GOD, and shall become HIS worshippers, and the sheep of HIS pasture. Great encouragement is given us, in worshipping GOD, to do it cheerfully. If, when we strayed like wandering sheep, HE has brought us again to HIS fold, we have indeed abundant cause to bless HIS name. The matter of praise, and the motives to it, are very important. Know ye that GOD is in HIMSELF, and what HE is to you. Know it; consider and apply it, then you will be more close and constant, more inward and serious, in HIS worship. The covenant of grace set down in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, with so many rich promises, to strengthen the faith of every weak believer, makes the matter of GOD’s praise and of HIS people’s joys so sure, that how sad what so ever our spirits may be when we look to ourselves, yet we shall have reason to praise the LORD when we look to HIS goodness and mercy, and to what HE has said in HIS word for our comfort.

2 Kings 17: 24 – 41

2 Kings 17: 24
Placed them in the cities of Samaria.
The king of Assyria imported foreign captives to inhabit the cities of Samaria in order to destroy any remaining nationalism. Intermarriage between Israelites not taken to Assyria and foreigners brought to the land of Israel produced the people called Samaritans. The result was a mixture of foreign religious and cultural traditions with Hebrew customs and faith. By New Testament times, many Samaritans had left their pagan ways and developed a faith based exclusively on the Pentateuch. JESUS witnessed to a Samaritan woman, speaking of the incompleteness of Samaritan traditions. Later many Samaritans became believers in CHRIST through the ministry of Philip.

Mark 14: 51 – 65
We have here Christ’s condemnation before the great council of the Jews.
Peter followed; but the high priest’s fire-side was no proper place, nor his servants’ proper company, for Peter: it was an entrance into temptation. Great diligence was used to procure false witnesses against JESUS, yet their testimony was not equal to the charge of a capital crime, by the utmost stretch of their law. HE was asked, Art thou the SON of the Blessed? That is, the Son of GOD. For the proof of HIS being the SON of GOD, HE refers to HIS second coming. In these outrages we have proofs of man’s enmity to GOD, and of GOD’s free and unspeakable love to man.